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Old 09-27-2004, 10:28 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: HK
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 245

Rep: Reputation: 30
Where has the netscape gone ?


I've successfully installed Netscape 7.2, nowever, after reboot, I could not find it !

How could I start it ?

I could not find it in the startup menu !

Old 09-27-2004, 10:33 PM   #2
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Open a console and try running:

$ netscape

Did you install it from an rpm or some other way?
Old 09-28-2004, 02:28 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2004
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Originally posted by kilgoretrout
Open a console and try running:

$ netscape

Did you install it from an rpm or some other way?

I download the offlline installer to install it !

What could I do ?

Old 09-28-2004, 02:37 AM   #4
Registered: Jun 2004
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Originally posted by kilgoretrout
Open a console and try running:

$ netscape

Did you install it from an rpm or some other way?
It returned with the following message

bash: netscape: command not found
Old 10-17-2004, 04:58 PM   #5
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This should work or put you on a path that might.
If you have the cd with netscape on it from version 7.x on it.
To install it:
AS root
Place cd in machine
Each version of linux has some path that will lead you to the CDROM or DVD or CDR DVDR ect. I am using the example that I use from a SuSE Linux distribution, with the KDE GUI. and I have a DVD recorder.
Open the terminal program ie. the Console or Konsole
See # (you are root) type cd / and then hit enter
See # / now type cd media and then hit enter
# /media type cd dvdrecorder
# /media/dvdrecorder (see a pattern here) type cd linux
# /media/dvdrecorder/linux
# /media/dvdrecorder/linux cd netscape
# /media/dvdrecorder/linux/netscape ....once in the netscape files in the Console type ./netscape-installer , and then hit enter, follow the instructions in the launch installer
Now understand where it was installed - file:/usr/local/netscape
Log out of root after installation validation has occurred. (you see Netscape in front of you ...don't run it yet!!!! close the application.
Exit the console, and log out of root and use Netscape as a user!!!

AS user!
{Remember now, that I am running SuSE 9.1 with KDE, so this is specific with that distro but I have done this with red hat as well (I have used Linux from red hat 4.1 many years ago and weened myself from Windows in 1997)}

Right click on the task bar and “add” a ”special button” there from the menu selection “non-KDE application”
use the selection finder to find file:/usr/local/netscape
in that dialog select “netscape” from its directory location and click ok
the launcher button in the task bar just added Netscape launcher. (if all went well)
change the style of the button if you like in its properties dialog box found by right clicking on it.

Clicking on the button should launch Netscape browser just like any other application.

I hope this was helpful.
Buy the way, Netscape runs flawlessly. I use many browsers, try them all.

Old 10-17-2004, 06:01 PM   #6
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Toronto, Canada
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS; CentOS 5.5
Posts: 199

Rep: Reputation: 30
Why use Netscape anyway? Try FireFox, it's much better IMO.


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