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Old 04-17-2006, 12:30 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 156

Rep: Reputation: 30
when listening stream audio on browser

I don't why this crap sounds this way......I encouter this on FC2,FC3 and now on FC5... using forefox with mplayer pugin for the browser....
I'll get the audio kind of breaking up all the time like frames bits are folling off............. am I explaining my self?

can someone solve this problem? is there a solution? my wireless is 100% signal getting full maximum speed.......

any ideas guys..
Old 04-17-2006, 01:47 AM   #2
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I would first check if the problem is occuring on other streaming links. Then try D/L'ing the file and see if mplayer plays it fine. Then try a larger buffer size in mplayer.

Their could be any number of factors contributing to what you discribe, mostly due to slow connections or overloaded servers, but you say your connection is good. You'll just have to do a little trouble-shooting to isolate where the problem is first.

Old 04-17-2006, 04:13 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2005
Location: Kentucky
Distribution: Debian
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Rep: Reputation: 56
Agreed, right click the mplayer plugin applet on the page and click configure, and set it to buffer all of it if it's set otherwise, and make sure that the option to stream it is unchecked. This may actually leave you with no media for a little bit, but it will completely download the entire file before it starts playing and network speed will no longer be a factor. Does it do the same thing when you plug it into a landline?


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