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Old 03-17-2006, 10:56 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 861

Rep: Reputation: 30
Whats the difference between CUPS printing and Samba shared printing?

Hi! I've setup an Ubuntu box to be our printer server. I followed the how-to on some sites by using CUPS to share the printer to Linux and WIndows machines.

It worked by putting the URL : http://IP:631/printers/printer. It worked on Ubuntu machines and Windows XPs however its not working in Windows 98.

Can someone tell me the difference between sharing the printers using CUPS and sharing the printer using Samba? I want to share the printer in such a way that if I access \\IPofprinter, I will be able to see the shared printer on my Ubuntu box. In that way, I can connect my Windows 98s to my Ubuntu printer server. Hope someone can help me on this. Thanks.
Old 03-17-2006, 02:56 PM   #2
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CUPS uses a standard networking printer setup.

Samba uses the Windows SMB protocol to share printers, the same thing as if you setup "Share Files and Printers" in windows, and share the Printer out.

I can't remember now if Win98 is even capable of understanding real network printing ( it is meant to only be a home OS from 8 years ago ). so that might be your problem. Samba should work fine.


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