What would give a ChromeOS like experience?
My family has become familiar with ChromeOS through education and chromebooks. I would like to set up a Linux distro that would create a ChromeOS like experience on our unused Win7 laptop with 2gigs of RAM and Intel Processor.
I can't find any distros that try to give a similar experience, except Budgie Desktop which seems very experimental. I'm thinking of rolling my own with Arch Linux or Debian. I'm just wondering if I have missed tutorials or resources that have created a webapp centered Linux that would be as easy to use as ChromeOS.
Also, what are the thoughts of buying a SSD for this old laptop (with dead battery)? I fear that Win7 is slowing down because of the 4 year old hard drive. Or could I just run something like this off a USB stick? I'm looking for a low cost way to get some life out of this old laptop when someone needs a device and the Chromebook is in use.
Last edited by mowestusa; 10-27-2014 at 04:46 PM.