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Old 02-07-2009, 07:24 PM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Sydney
Distribution: SUSE
Posts: 89

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Angry What is using my /dev/dsp ?

Hey Guys,

I have an OpenSUSE 11 box with onboard sound. I have a problem whereby a game I run uses /dev/dsp and for some reason whinges at startup that /dev/dsp is busy. Nine times out of ten when I run the game I get no sound in it. All other system sounds work fine.

Is there a way I can say what is using dev dsp so I can kill it? I don't know if it's the last instance of the game not releasing it properly or something. I've been told lsof | grep dsp should show it but that command doesn't show anything - is it possible my game is incorrectly asserting dsp is busy ? How would I confirm?
Old 02-08-2009, 12:34 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2008
Location: Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, UK
Distribution: Debian Testing Amd64
Posts: 5,465

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Hi Elomis,
could it be esd?
When the sound is not working try:
ps -A | grep esd
If it is running, then just kill the process and you should have your sound back.


alsa, dsp, opensuse11, oss, sound

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