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Old 02-17-2014, 01:47 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2012
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What is a good video editor

Ok so i have tried to use cinerela and it is so unstable that no matter what i import or load, it crashes. Openshot sucks and cant even play the recorded desktop file corectly even when it is in a correct file format. Is there anything out there that will work or is it all the same thing? they all crash and nothing has been improved? it is begining to be very frustrating that most opensource video editors are so unstable..

thanks. Just looking for a way to put titles, credits, audio and movie together. just like windows movie maker or imovie, but openshot is not workign right.

Old 02-17-2014, 04:30 AM   #2
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Hi there,

Originally Posted by LT72884 View Post
Ok so i have tried to use cinerela and it is so unstable that no matter what i import or load, it crashes. Openshot sucks and cant even play the recorded desktop file corectly even when it is in a correct file format. Is there anything out there that will work or is it all the same thing? they all crash and nothing has been improved? it is begining to be very frustrating that most opensource video editors are so unstable..
I don't know the two you're mentioning, and I don't know what precisely you expect from a tool like that. My favorite, however, is Avidemux. It can read and write quite a number of different video formats, convert between them, change resolution or framerate, crop video, cut and append video fragments, and apply a lot of other filters. It can also add subtitles to the video.
It does not, however, have extensive effect filters, like fading in or out, or even cross-fading, or overlying multiple video tracks.

I use it primarily for post-processing my TV recordings, i.e. strip commercials, and convert them from MPEG2-TS to avi encapsulated MPEG4.

You might want to give it a try. It's far from perfect, of course, but fairly good in my opinion.

[X] Doc CPU
Old 02-17-2014, 06:54 AM   #3
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You did not mention what video format you are using. OGV perhaps? Some editions of the ffmpeg libary do not handle OGV format exactly right, at least I have this issue in kdenlive (a very good editor, bit of a learning curve). If I have to use OGV files (say, if using gtk-recordmydesktop to do screencasts), I convert them to mp4 before editing. I thought it was just a kdenlive issue, but maybe your version of Openshot has the same issue.
Old 02-18-2014, 02:46 AM   #4
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Sorry for late reply. It was holiday today and i went to a hocky game. Anyway, after hours of research, i came to conclusion that ogv fule format must be causing said issue. So i just barely converted it to avi at a 1:1 ratio and quality. Took an hour or so but openshot now sees it. Hahahaha. So now i need a screencasting program that will encode to avi or mpeg allread si i dont have to waste an hour of time haha. It does need to be a goos quality recording. They are tutorials being made for people but not going ti be streamed online. So visible quality is my goal. Haha

Thanks guys for help. Excited to see what is said next.
Old 02-18-2014, 07:13 AM   #5
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try vokoscreen if its available for your distro. records into avi or mkv by default.

There is also a way to do it with ffmpeg from the command line. The command is rather lengthy and different depending on system, but it works really well.
Old 02-18-2014, 11:44 AM   #6
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I will try it out. I am running dual screens so ill have to take that into consideration. Thanos for all the help and being patient with my issues. Haha. Dang ogv haha.
Old 11-20-2014, 02:05 PM   #7
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Unhappy Haven't found a good video editor

Just wanted to share my recent experience. I'm running Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon with an NVDIA GT220 video card. I've tried both Openshot and Flowblade. Both are subject to frequent crashes and system lockups. The lockups are like a bad flashback from Win95 days.

When I dual-boot into Win7 and run a $30 commercial video editor I have none of these problems so it's hard to blame this on my hardware. In the past, I've preferred Linux because it is so stable but for some reason all that stability disappears when I try to use one of these packages. I can't remember the last time I experienced a system freeze in either Linux or Windows. I guess it is back to Windows for my video editing.
Old 11-23-2014, 06:24 AM   #8
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the most usable video editor I've used is kdenlive

but you'll still have to create the titles on a different software (GIMP maybe) with a transparent background (or maybe black? depending on your needs) and then export that image to png and import it with kdenlive and place it above your shot or maybe between the shots, depending on your needs.

it's not the best thing in the world but I've used many and it's the best so far. and it isn't that bad actually once you get used to it.
Old 11-23-2014, 08:32 AM   #9
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kdenlive does have a titles module. I've done some interesting things with it, like scrolling end credit text and such. its not super fancy like the 3d titles available in openshot, but it gets my jobs done.

here's a title-heavy example.
Old 11-23-2014, 01:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by dolphin_oracle View Post
kdenlive does have a titles module. I've done some interesting things with it, like scrolling end credit text and such. its not super fancy like the 3d titles available in openshot, but it gets my jobs done.

here's a title-heavy example.
That is pretty good to know. it seems that I haven't been looking closely.

kdenlive wins again (Y)


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