What are these called and where to get??
I have been trying desparately for days now to find a Firefox browser plugin or stand-a-lone Linux program that will allow me to read the news (not newsgroups) off-line. I need to be able to add "feeds" to Wired news, Yahoo news, etc and have them updated at chosen intervals (ie; every 30 minutes, etc).
I have been all over Google and all I get are news "aggregators" which apparently do little more than neatly arrange your headlines for ONLINE reading only. There used to be a Windows Desktop news reader back in the mid-to-late 90's (I forgot the name) that could do this. I've tried a number of Firefox extensions also (Sage, etc) and can't find any way to download the news for OFFLINE reading. I have a crappy connection in the evenings so that is why I am looking for such a thing.
So what exactly am I looking for and what are these things even called?. I don't even know where to begin or what to type into Google to find anything like what I'm describing here. Can anyone recommend some links for Linux (and even Windows versions)?.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated (more than you could imagine!!) - Thank's!!