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Old 07-27-2002, 08:02 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Los Angeles
Distribution: RedHat 7.3, SuSe 8.0
Posts: 71

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What are some good P2P software nowadayz for Linux?

I know lime is a highly mentioned one, is there anything else that works better? I'm usin lime now, and it's hella slow, and the searches aren't that great unlike Grokster/KazAA. What about knapster is that nice? I got installed, gonna try it out later.
Old 07-27-2002, 08:55 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Alot of them are going to be based off the gnutella network on linux. There is another one that isn't java based that seems to get suggested by Acid quite a bit called gtk-gnutella. It's non-java, and easy to use. I have tried "wining" Grokster over but with no success.
Old 07-27-2002, 09:01 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2001
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Rep: Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985Reputation: 1985 version 0.9 just came out with a lot of extra features (well.. boxes to change config settings..) nicer actually.

BlackDogg, can i please sugest you get to know the search engine feature on this site, you are asking the same old questions again and again (and MasterC is giving the same standard, and correct, answers). search. it's good for you.
Old 07-27-2002, 09:19 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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Yeah, actually I think this one was asked not too long ago, there are some other ideas in there as well. I don't mind repeating my answers, or giving the "same old ones" again, but he's right. Some searching would produce alot of the same answers I spout off. But sometimes I learn new things and am more than happy share the experience with anyone, so if you search on something and still can't figure it out, go ahead and ask again (or revive the old thread with a response on what part you don't understand). Just about everyone on here besides me seems to know quite a bit about anything that they explain, and I am sure they could clarify any point that wasn't made at first.

Cool, and good luck Linuxing
Old 07-25-2003, 07:38 AM   #5
Registered: Mar 2003
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try pyslsk, it works for me fast and plenty of searches, it doesnt use round robin though but i have had no probs with it for music, and for films etc, i use bit torrent, which does.


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