weird java problem
ok I downloaded 1.4.2 sdk extracted it to /usr/java/version
next I made a file called containing the line
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/version/bin
stuck that file in profile.d and did chmod +x to it
logged out logged in again and typed
echo $PATH
I said to myself yay because the bin directory is in the path
however upon typing java -version in a terminal I got a error saying command not found
a very weird thing if you ask me
furthermore I can goto the java bbin directory and type ./java -version and it shows version fine.
can anybody help
Distro is redhat 8
ebit btw i wrote version in the paths for this post because I can't remember what the folder is called and my other computer is upstairs.
Last edited by asavage97; 11-20-2004 at 05:20 PM.