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sameermanagoli 06-26-2003 08:24 PM

web server apache

Do u know how to start the apache web server in Red hat linux 9.please giude me how to set up. and to verify whether its already configured.

Sameer Managoli

trickykid 06-26-2003 08:28 PM

Locate your httpd.conf file to configure your server which is the main configuration. Not sure where its located by default, do a:

find / -name httpd.conf


locate httpd.conf

The apache standard way to do it is:

apachectl start <=== to start the server
apachectl stop <=== to stop the server
apachectl restart <=== restarts the server

apachectl configtest <=== tests your configuration file before you might want to start the server to check and make sure it won't start with errors, etc.

apachectl command is usually by default located in /usr/sbin and in most cases you need to be logged in as root to run the command.

Sites that might be of help using apache.

sameermanagoli 06-26-2003 09:17 PM

when i tried apachetl start
i got the message has below
bash: apachetl: command not found


cyph3r7 06-26-2003 09:20 PM

are you sure you typed it right? your error says "apachetl" not apachectl.

sameermanagoli 06-26-2003 09:35 PM

i DID TYPE CORRECTLY apachectl ,i tried may combinations.what may be the problem?DO i have to download and installl again?
I was able to locate the httpd/


sameermanagoli 06-26-2003 09:47 PM

Hi ,

I located apache in my /usr/sbin

but when i type apachectl start its showing apachectl command not found

let me know the reason !!!!!!!!!

slizadel 06-26-2003 10:05 PM

Are you in the directory /usr/sbin when you try to run the apachectl command?

With RH9 standard users do not have /usr/sbin in their PATH. If you change to root with just the su command instead of su - then you will not use root's PATH, which does contain /usr/sbin. Try changing to the /usr/sbin directory and then starting apache with ./apachectl start.

trickykid 06-27-2003 12:17 AM


Type this at the prompt also logged in as root:

/usr/sbin/apachectl <start, stop or restart>

Like slizadel said, you probably don't have /usr/sbin in your current path or your logged in as a regular user which won't have it in your current path. Login or su to root and then attempt the above or just apachectl, etc.

Or find the command by typing:

locate apachectl

twantrd 06-27-2003 02:57 AM

If the above commands still say "bash: apachetl: command not found"

then I would suggest using a different shell. Try using tcsh. Then run those commands listed above again and see if that resolves any problems.


sameermanagoli 06-27-2003 04:31 PM

Hi alll!!!
Thanks Trickykid,i'm sorry i did not intend to yell nor shout.I typed the reply in a hurry.
sorry for that.
I'll try logging on as root.
Thanks everybody for your reply,
Sameer Managoli

Looking_Lost 06-27-2003 04:40 PM

Or try as root

/etc/init.d/httpd start

sameermanagoli 07-06-2003 04:21 PM

Hi Guys,

I did all the above told .The apache is located at


i logged as root and did try this command
/usr/sbin/apachectl <start, stop or restart>

but i'm getting as /usr/sbin/apachectl: Command not found.
please let me know how to start the apache and upload my website i created.

Sameer Managoli

trickykid 07-06-2003 06:12 PM

locate apachectl


find / -name apachectl

Also, do you even have apache installed?

sameermanagoli 07-06-2003 06:57 PM

Hi trickykid,
When i type the command from root locate apachectl
there is no action at all like this
[root@dyn-2-72 ~]# locate apachectl
[root@dyn-2-72 ~]#

As i'm totally clueless as how should i proceed further.PLease help me.

grizzly 07-06-2003 07:25 PM

I am am running redhat 7.3, (I believe it is 7.3). I installed Apache by compiling from source and used the default location for the install to place its files. When I did this the apachectl file was put into:
If you are using the package that came with Redhat, I am not sure what default location that would be in. But the path I gave might be worth a try.

sameermanagoli 07-07-2003 06:01 PM


forgetting abt configuring apache.Please tell me this.
I installed rpm version of apache.I did rpm -i followed by apache rpm logged in as root.Even than its not proper.

PLease let me know abt installing the rpm version of Apache logged as root.


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