I am trying to set up virtualbox guest additions but there is a problem. I am using gentoo and I emerged the required packages and I received further instructions to add virtualbox-guest-additions to my default run level which I did. However, the initscript does not run successfully.
As seen with:
# /etc/init.d/virtualbox-guest-additions start
(green star) * Starting VirtualBox guest additions ...
(green star) * Loading kernel modules and creating devices
(green star) * Starting the time syncronization system service
(red star) * Failed to start VirtualBox guest additions
What confuses me is the script did not raise an error after it said, "* Loading kernel modules and creating devices." Does that mean that the modules were loaded? Because when I 'lsmod | grep vbox', it shows that the vboxadd and vboxvfs modules were not loaded. Which makes me believe that maybe my problem is then similar to
http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237618 but I don't unstand how the guy fixed his problem.
Please help!