vnc works but I get different desktop
I'm running fedora 20 with vncserver and connecting using RealVNC from a windows 7 pc. The connection works and I get a fedora desktop but it's not the desktop that's currently on the fedora machine, it's some other empty desktop. I need to share the screen activity of the user currently logged in on the fedora machine but vnc will not link up with it. I don't know how to make vnc connect to the current fedora user. How does one do this?
update: this is the solve (how embarrassing)
use x11vnc.
I've been hammering at this for 4 days with tigervnc and xrdp - neither of which worked - and x11vnc worked first time in connecting to the current user.
Last edited by tonj; 12-18-2014 at 04:45 PM.