Originally Posted by baronobeefdip
Ogmrip right now appears to be working but it's taking a considerably larger amount of time to rip, about 30 minutes for a 47 minute title. I wish it was possible to rip at a higher speed than that because I have a bunch of episodes to go through in my DVD set.
If you have a nice multicore processor like an i7 you can set the number of threads that OGMRip uses. More threads equals faster encoding.
You're already getting better speeds than my clunky old HP's Celeron processor can do though.
P.S: technically ripping is just copying the files directly to the hard drive and that's quick. But what you want requires transcoding from the mpeg2 format used in DVDs to whichever format you've chosen. Encoding can only go as fast as the processor allows regardless of software. Professional studios use Beowulf Clusters for all there video encoding and editing. This can be done if you have enough PCs, but it's not something the average Joe would attempt.