Ok the problem is solved
the following line in slackbuild script , tell me how to setup pkgconfig property
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/lib/pkgconfig
( cd $PKG/usr/lib/pkgconfig
for file in Qt3Support.pc QtAssistantClient.pc QtCore.pc \
QtDBus.pc QtGui.pc QtNetwork.pc QtOpenGL.pc QtScript.pc \
QtSql.pc QtSvg.pc QtTest.pc QtUiTools.pc QtXml.pc ;
ln -sf /usr/lib/qt-$VERSION/lib/pkgconfig/$file . ;
so what i need to do is
cd /usr/lib/pkgconfig
and ln all file in /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.4.3/lib/pkgconfig.....
then the vlc configure end up smoothly
Thanks you everyone ,