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Old 10-16-2004, 03:36 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 2

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Video-DVD disc that is also bootable live Linux

My hobby is making short films. When they are completed I burn them on a DVD and hand them out to all who the people involved. Problem is that a DVD is 4,7 GB and most of the time I only use 1 or 2 GB. I would like to fill the rest of the space with either a bootable Live Linux distro or a bootable installation DVD.

1. Is this possible? (theoretically or have you actually done it?)
2. Is it easy? (I am a Linux USER and nothing more, I have almost zero programming/command line expertise)
3. Wich distro would be best? I personally like Mandrake move and SuSE live CD. It should be easy because I'd like to give it to people who haven't tried Linux before and it should be completely free to distribute (story behind YaST is a little confusing). Maybe some other distribution is more suitable for something like this.
4. If it is easy enough for someone with little programming experience, HOW would I go about making such a disc and spreading the word of Linux (and my movies).

BTW I still do my video editing in Windows with Adobe software and it would be great (but not neccessary) to use Adobe Encore DVD to make this disc.

Last edited by tarantino2517; 10-16-2004 at 03:47 PM.


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