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Old 09-23-2004, 01:34 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Why, in front of the screen.
Distribution: I switch distros more than a pre-teen visits the today, FC3--tomorrow--who knows?
Posts: 39

Rep: Reputation: 15
Valknut DC++ Equivalent Problem

Hey all,

I am on a college campus, currently running Suse 9.1 Pro and have successfully installed DCGUI-QT 0.3.2 (valknut I think it's called). It's the Direct Connect Equivalent for Linux. I am having trouble connecting to the hub. For one, we have two hubs, one which is being phased out right now. When I try to connect to this, I recieve this message:

[01:14:55] <DCGUI> Connected
[01:14:55] <DCGUI> Hubname change: '***' -> '*** Kids Hub'
[01:14:55] <Hub-Security> This hub is running version 0.7.14 of Open DC Hub.
[01:14:55] <DCGUI> Error: 'Connection reset by peer'
[01:14:55] <DCGUI> Disconnected

Yet, I can still see all the old users on this HUB.

But when I try to connect to the new hub, it does not respond. The Hub window stays blank and I eventually get timed out. I've had to force quit the program a couple of times as well. I can connect to the default Linux Chat HUB though.

Does it seem like this is just the network I'm on?
What should my settings be set for?

I am currently sharing more than the minimum required, and am just wondering if anyone else has had any problems with this program.

Thanks for any help, in advance.

Old 11-03-2004, 11:17 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Why, in front of the screen.
Distribution: I switch distros more than a pre-teen visits the today, FC3--tomorrow--who knows?
Posts: 39

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Talking Eureka!

For anyone who was in the same place as me, the CVS package works much better (and more stabily, I haven't had a problem and I've been running it like mad...mostly to make up for the fact I hadn't had it for so long!)

Go here for the CVS package:

And then follow the instructions in the Konsole: download, compile, and run.

This will take about half an hour, so sit back and a book, take a bath.....

Once finished, you will have to run it through Konsole every time you want to use it.

If someone knows how to create a shortcut for a program that runs through Konsole, please let me know.

-Spicy O'Haggis


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