I'm looking for an error dump that Warcraft 3 created which is supposed to be over 2 GB in file size. How do I know this about the file? This page:
http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=1177 mentions a 2 GB error dump with someone who ran into a similar error as mine (CTRL+F down to where it says "2 GB" (without quotes)). Also, my free space was about 3 GB before and is now less than 500 MB.
The filename of this error dump is supposed to be "2005-07-15 11.34.05 Crash.dmp" but I searched for files named "Crash" and nothing similar came up. I also looked in my virtual wine drives and there is not a Warcraft III directory in Program Files. This is because I ran it from my mounted Windows drive where the game is already installed.
It's very important that I find and delete this file, because I have very limited free space. I have a dual-boot/dual-partition hard drive, and most of my hard drive is being used by Windows at the moment (next time I format, I'll probably be giving a lot more space to Linux than it currently has).