How I find out what group my usb printer thinks is...I guess actually the problem is what user the system thinks is attempting to operate the usb printer...or to be more technically correct, what user is attempting to access /dev/usb/lp0?
Printer is a HP C6380 using hpijs driver (part of hplip) and will print only after executeing
sudo chmod 666 /dev/usb/lp0
which gives "others" permission read/write permission for /dev/usb/lp0. Default is read/write to owner (root) and group(lp) only.
Print job is owned by user crashedagain. Users crashedagain, cupsys, hplip and lp are members of group lp. Since both crashedagain and hplip are members of group lp, they should be able to access the printer....shouldn't they?
Another oddity...unless chmod 666 /dev/usb/lp0 is executed, the kde "install printers" dialog cannot access local printers.
chmod 666 ~ must be done after every startup because the system sets default permissions each time it populates /dev during stsrtup.