The RH9 distro comes with apache 2.0.40-21 and php 4.2.2-17
I want to upgrade to php 4.3.2RC1 but in order to do that i need to upgrade apache to 2.0.45 (or 2.0.44) because of the apxs2 error when trying to compile php.
I have downloaded the rpm for apache 2.0.45, when attempting to upgrade i get conflicts with apache 2.0.40 installation. I then poceeded to remove the httpd package (rpm -ve) but resulted in these errors:
error: Failed dependencies:
httpd-mmn = 20020628 is needed by (installed) mod_perl-1.99_07-5
httpd-mmn = 20020628 is needed by (installed) mod_python-3.0.1-3
httpd-mmn = 20020628 is needed by (installed) mod_ssl-2.0.40-21
httpd-mmn = 20020628 is needed by (installed) php-4.2.2-17
httpd-mmn = 20020628 is needed by (installed) mod_auth_mysql-1.11-12 is needed by (installed) mod_perl-1.99_07-5 is needed by (installed) mod_perl-1.99_07-5
webserver is needed by (installed) webalizer-2.01_10-11
httpd >= 2.0.40 is needed by (installed) mod_perl-1.99_07-5
httpd >= 2.0.40 is needed by (installed) mod_python-3.0.1-3
httpd is needed by (installed) mod_ssl-2.0.40-21
httpd >= 2.0.40 is needed by (installed) mod_auth_mysql-1.11-12
this means i need to remove these packages as well.
which means i have to reinstall these package after installing apache 2.0.45.
My questions are: how do i reconfigure these packages/apache to work with each other again??
But my main concern is the httpd-mmn.. WTF is that?
I think this is the mod that is causing me grief