Upgraded to Gnome 2.4, problem with desktop
Hello all. I upgraded to Gnome 2.4 using apt rpms. Before doing this, I used to have a folder for all my files under /home/jang wherein jang is the user. After doing the apt-get through synaptic, all my files inside the user /home/jang folder are shown on my Desktop, and it's driving me crazy. Whatever files, I save on the desktop is also shown on the /home/jang folder. I thought there was supposed to be something like Desktop folder inside /home/jang, where you'll see all the desktop files, and not everything inside /home/jang.
I added a Desktop folder inside /home/jang, but the Desktop folder is also shown on the desktop. HOpe somebody who understands what I'm saying help asap. It's frustrating me.
Also, Gnome 2.4 shows video thumbnails, but mine still shows them as icons. Any ideas?