I just compiled kernel 2.6.8 (with Debian patches; previously was using Debian 2.4.18 (bf2.4 install)).
Everything works great, EXCEPT I can't get an Xshell in my window manager (fluxbox). I've tried using twm, still can't get a shell. There are no problems logging in with a regular terminal (obviously
). I select the xshell from the apps list, and nothing happens at all! There are no messages in syslog of Xfree86 log file (there was one weird warning; 'cannot open apm', but I doubt these are related).
If I reboot and load the kernel that I started with (2.4.18), everything works fine.
I have tried the following 2 things, per google:
1) add users to the tty group
2) chmod 775 /dev/*
Please help!!