unsupported btree version number 8
I have a database for Movable Typein Berkeley, and I moved hosts. I believe there to be a difference in version of the Berkelely DB which would explan why MT can no longer access the DB.
According to support documentation with MT I need to use 1 of 3 or 4 things:
db_upgrade (or the newer command db3_upgrade)
this database is actually hosted on a virtual host server dreamhost. com but I have shell access. when running the scripts on the *.db and *.idx files in the DB_DIR I get these errors
when I use db_dump I get this
"db_dump: author.db: unsupported btree version number 8"
and when I use db_dump185 I get this
"db_dump185: author.db: Invalid argument"
db3_upgrade seems to function, as in I get no errors, but I also don't get any text or anything, just another prompt, and it doesn't fix my problems. Any sigguestions on what I might do?