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Old 03-20-2006, 09:33 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: KY
Distribution: *currently* Debian 9 w/Cinnamon
Posts: 66

Rep: Reputation: 15
Uninstall Privoxy

I tried searching the forums, and did't find what I was
looking for, and I hope I'm posting this in the proper place.

I did see a bunch of threads concerning installing and
configuring privoxy, none of which I had any trouble
with (believe it or not!). I have recently uninstalled
(I think) Privoxy using the package manager, however ads
are not loading and pages take a long time to load!

Here's the some kind of trick to uninstalling Privoxy
fully? Privoxy did a great job! But I'm in the need
for speed. Do I need to reset the router or modem??

I'm sorry folks, I'm clueless on this one. I thought
using the package manager to do the uninstalling would
clean up all traces of Privoxy, but I'm not sure it did.

Please help! Thanks in advance to all you that contribute!

BTW -- If I stop the page from loading and then reload/refresh
it, it comes in super fast! Not sure if that is a hint as to
what is going on or not.
Old 03-21-2006, 05:26 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
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I tried searching the forums, and did't find what I was looking for, and I hope I'm posting this in the proper place.
Yes, unless it's a distro-specific question it's allright here or in Linux - General.

I have recently uninstalled (I think) Privoxy using the package manager, however ads are not loading and pages take a long time to load! Here's the some kind of trick to uninstalling Privoxy fully?
Unless your distro's packagers mucked around with packaging Privoxy, no, it hasn't got all wacky dependencies nor is it a complicated app.

Privoxy did a great job! But I'm in the need for speed.
Not to argue with you since you already removed Privoxy, but speed depends on more than one parameter: box underspecced, using a lot of rules, usable bandwidth, connection speed, using chained proxy, local caching, local browser complexity/speed. If for instance you're on a dial-up you can expect to gain from not having to contact servers and D/L ads, but using Privoxy in such a situation w/o using your ISP's proxies isn't using your options to the max. What I'm saying is that if conditions are about right Privoxy never should make your connection that much slower.

Do I need to reset the router or modem??
Privoxy installs on one box, no need to reset adjacent network devices.

I'm sorry folks, I'm clueless on this one. I thought using the package manager to do the uninstalling would clean up all traces of Privoxy, but I'm not sure it did.
If updatedb has run, type "slocate privoxy" to see if there are any remains. Else something like "find / -iname \*privoxy\*" or else list the contents of the package and manually search your system.

BTW -- If I stop the page from loading and then reload/refresh it, it comes in super fast! Not sure if that is a hint as to what is going on or not.
Check your browser connection/proxy settings?


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