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Old 10-21-2004, 05:23 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Sweden
Distribution: ArchLinux
Posts: 201

Rep: Reputation: 30
unclean uninstall --> how to make clean (wine)

I'd greatly appreciate if anyone could help me out with this problem. I've been finding similar threads but not anything that really answers my question.

I tried to install wine from source (20041019). I had some problems and attempted to uninstall with "make uninstall". That seemingly worked fine. I then noticed that I had 20040714 installed all along (or at least I think I had). I uninstalled that with dpkg --remove. And now I seem to be stuck with an unclean uninstall. When I write "wine", I get the following message

bash: /usr/bin/wine: No such file or directory
instead of the more familiar

bash: asd: command not found

Is there a way to make a proper uninstall? Who is telling bash to look in /usr/bin when I just write wine and have everything seemingly uninstalled?

Thanks a lot.
Old 10-21-2004, 06:32 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
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the best way to remove all traces of wine after u uninstall is to

-->#locate wine > wine.txt
open wine.txt
and see all the directories where wine is like /etc/wine , /usr/lib/wine,/usr/share/wine-c (or) what ever .. just rename them Do Not delete.. once u get wine working u can delete them.....
Old 12-10-2011, 11:30 PM   #4
John VV
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PLEASE do NOT drag up threads from 2004 YES `04 a 7YEAR old thread


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