Unable to see icons in start menu and in desktop.
Hello all,
I don't know what I did yesterday. But today when I logged in to my linux box I saw no icons ( in desktop/statr menu/right click menu )
Instead it displays just arrows in the menus.
Also the task bar has been moved to the top with the redhat icon being replaced by gnome icon.
It shows several error (alert) messages nothing I could read where the Ok button ( I suppose ) in that error message shows ">". Same with the "Details" button.
This happens only when I am a user.
When I logged in as super user everything works fine.
I played with samba yesterday. I hope this might not have created the problem.
The last but one command I did yesterday was
dd -if=/dev/hdb3 -of=/mnt/windows_dir bs=512 count=1
What might be the problem ?
I did
chmod -R 770 /home/*
chown -R guest.guest /home/guest
I am in KDE desktop rh 9. Even I tried removing the user ( & home directory) and adding it again.
But that did not work
Thanks in advance for the help.
Last edited by murugesan; 02-11-2004 at 11:52 PM.