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Old 07-02-2005, 09:08 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Distribution: Fedora (KDE spin)
Posts: 225

Rep: Reputation: 70
Unable to install kdevelop in Mandrake 10.1-solved

Hi - I've been trying to install kdevelop using kdevelop-3.2.0-5mdk10.1.thac.i586.rpm under Mandrake 10.1 official (and kde 3.2.3, and the 2.6.8 kernel). The install starts, but then I get "Some packages cannot be installed due to unsatisfied" .
I'm uncertain about the next step. - i'm uncertain what exactly this complaint is about!
Any guidance is appreciated!

Last edited by jbuckley2004; 07-04-2005 at 10:09 PM.
Old 07-04-2005, 07:12 PM   #2
Registered: Jan 2005
Posts: 51

Rep: Reputation: 15
This is a big problem with rpms; they can tell you you need specific packages even when you have installed them. So, I suggest getting apt-get for mandrake or installing kdevelop from source.
Old 07-04-2005, 10:18 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Distribution: Fedora (KDE spin)
Posts: 225

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Rep: Reputation: 70
Thanks, Namish. Yeah, rpm can be quirky. I'm not sure how, but I solved the problem. Here's what I did. 1) find a virgin to sacrifice... no, wait. That was the *other* problem ;>
From the install packages gui, I updated all the sources. Then I did a search for any package name containing widgets, and much to my surprise, both the klibdevel package and the kdevelop package showed up in the (rather lengthy) list of choices. I first installed the libkdevel package (no problem) and then the kdevel package, and voila, I have kdevelop now.

I think that most of my problem was caused by downloading an rpm that wasn't quite consistent with the libs I had installed. When I went back to what was on the CD for the libs, it was able to locate (from somewhere online) the correct rpm for kdevelop.
Thanks for your reply.


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