udev rules, finding the kernel name of a device?
First, a short background. I'm running Slackware 10.2 with 2.6.13 Kernel and udev. I had a need to change default permissions of /dev/nvram from 0660 to 0666. Slackware doesn't use a udev.permissions file so you have to write a new rule. In the existing udev.rules a rule does not exist for the nvram device.
The rule I came up with was:
KERNEL="nvram", NAME="%k", MODE="0666"
which worked great. Now for my question...
To set the KERNEL you need to know the kernels name for a device. In this case I was able to guess the kernel name but I don' t like guessing things. The question is:
How do you find out what the kernels name is for a device?
It's easy to find the name for a USB device. There are plenty of tutorials related to that. But how to find the kernels device name for something else?