Nothing display when linux GUI boots
I just installed linux on a new system and am Running FC4. I am trying to set up a MythTV box and thus do not have a monitor in my appartment. Linux ws displaying to the TV until I changed the monitor type to 640x480 CRT display. Now I cant see anything onnce the computer gets to the login page of Fedora. The settings must be wrong but I cant go in and change them. Is there any way that I can start Linux in a safe mode where it will load default drivers and I can try different settings?
On a side note, I also would like to be able to use VNC or log in to my box from my windows laptop somehow, but dont know how to get this running. Perhaps I could remote in and change the display settings. Well, I suppose the first problem is the most urgent, so please let me know if you can help me with this problem. Thanks,
Last edited by krope32; 03-11-2006 at 12:16 AM.