as per all of the above
you have the rhel/cent5 remi software installed
that is for CentOS 5
CentOS 5.10
is the ONLY!!! version in 5 supported
with CentOS 6.5 as the current and the older CentOS 5 for older legacy software
( yes CentOS 5 is starting to show it's old age )
now rhel/centos/sl 5 ALL !!! had MAJOR incompatibility issues with third party repos
these ware mostly fixed in rhel/centos 6
but in 5 there were MAJOR issues
* epel had issues , not as bad as others but some
now removing remi ????????????
first you need to check just how many rpm's from them are installed
su -
rpm -qa | grep remi
will output a list , hopefully only 5 or 6 long
su -
rpm -qa | grep remi > ~/RemiList.txt
will put a text file in the root HOME folder
then go through it one at a time and uninstall them
pay attention to WHAT else it wants to UNINSTALL !!!!!
it might want to remove half of the operating system !!!
--- example ---
su -
yum remove mysql-5.5.36-1.el5.remi
then if it looks safe to uninstall hit the "y" key for the answer the the "yes / no " question