Trouble using 'Back in Time' backup software
Hullo All,
I have installed 'Back in Time' 0.8.12 on Fedora 9 x86_64, and can't seem to get it to actually make a backup.
I have set the 'where to save snapshots' as a named dir on a second disc. I have write permission.
I have chosen 'what to backup', and removed the Exclude patterns, as the defaults appeared to exclude everything.
I have set 'when' to everyday.
Nothing happens, so I checked that cron is running, and it is. I tried using 'Take a snapshot' and it adds a 'Now' to the timeline, and says 'working', but again nothing happens. A couple of days have gone by since initial setup, and files that are to be backed up have changed but still no backups.
I have read the 'destructions', and it all seems to confirm the steps I have taken.
Clearly, I am missing something about how this is meant to be done.
Can someone who has this software working please provide some guidance?