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Old 02-15-2009, 08:49 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Manchester, England
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04
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Transferring virtual Linux install to physical drive

I have a Linux installation inside a VirtualBox VM (VDI file) that I would like to transfer to a physical hard disk. What would be the best way to do this? Could I mount the physical hard drive as a shared folder and use the dd command (booting the VM from a LiveCD) to transfer it? Note, both the VDI and the physical drive are the same size. Any ideas/advice would be appreciated.
Old 02-15-2009, 02:24 PM   #2
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The problem with the mounting is that you normally use dd on a raw-device,
not on a file-system. For the transfer you could use dd & netcat, or tar &
netcat ....
Old 02-16-2009, 12:03 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2005
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How would you use netcat to help do this? Also, what about allowing raw disk access to the destination volume? Potentially dangerous-I know but would it work better? Are there any other ways anyone would recommend?
Old 02-16-2009, 01:46 PM   #4
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That (raw device) is exactly what you'd be doing with netcat and dd ...

for a how-to (there's heaps - search google for "netcat dd clone").

Old 02-16-2009, 04:48 PM   #5
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Note this method will only work if you have a static .vdi VirtualBox drive image; if you are using a dynamic .vdi drive, I'm still in the process of figuring out how to mount them. But if you happen to have a static .vdi drive, I think probably the easiest way to transfer your VirtualBox OS to a partition would be to mount it, and then copy its entire file system to its new partition with "cp -ax" to preserve all the proper permissions/ownerships of all files. Most VirtualBox .vdi files just have 3 sectors of VirtualBox header info at the beginning, and then the rest is the HDD image. So to mount a static .vdi file, you can usually do:
losetup -f --show -o $((512*3)) ~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/HDD_image.vdi
That will also return the loop device that the .vdi file gets associated with, for example "/dev/loop0". And then to see the partitions in that image:
fdisk -lu /dev/loop0
Using the above command, find the sector offset of the partition you want to mount, say for example the starting sector is 63, then do:
mount -o loop,offset=$((512*63)) /dev/loop0 /mnt
And that will mount your VirtualBox OS partition on /mnt. After that, it's just a matter of copying the file system to its new partition:
cp -ax /mnt/* /path_to_mounted_destination_partition/
And lastly, if you do:
blkid -c /dev/null
It will show you the UUID of your mounted VirtualBox partition, and you can transfer that UUID to the new partition with:
tune2fs -U <VirtualBox partition UUID> /dev/<new partition device>
You will probably have to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst and possibly /etc/fstab for the OS on the new partition, but that should be about all it takes. Let me know if you decide to give this method a try and how it goes.

Last edited by CJS; 02-17-2009 at 07:11 PM.


box, physical, vdi, virtual

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