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Old 10-01-2008, 12:27 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
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Question transferring id's games from steam to linux


I haven't been able to find any answers to this question anywhere.

I am wondering if anybody know if it is possible to transfer the game files from an installation af quake4 or doom3 or etqw or other id game from steam in windows and use them in Linux in the same way it is done from the boxed games?

i would rather not buy the from steam and then find that i HAVE to run windows to play a game with a native Linux client.

thanks in advance

Old 10-01-2008, 12:39 PM   #2
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Check the install instructions at id's zerowing site. it basically tells you which files to copy from your windows install to the Linux machine for each game.
Old 10-01-2008, 12:43 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Hamsjael View Post
I am wondering if anybody know if it is possible to transfer the game files from an installation af quake4 or doom3 or etqw or other id game from steam in windows and use them in Linux in the same way it is done from the boxed games?
What do you mean by " the same way it is done from the boxed games?" With the Linux versions of the game it generally gets installed from the disks by the Linux installer, or you copy the files from the CD/DVD yourself.

If the directory layout is the same in the Steam version as it is in the Linux version, you may be able to get away with copying the directories over and just copying the relevant files from the installer.

Originally Posted by Hamsjael View Post
i would rather not buy the from steam and then find that i HAVE to run windows to play a game with a native Linux client.
That's the risk you take when dealing with a company that doesn't support Linux (Valve, not id).
Old 10-01-2008, 01:36 PM   #4
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windows steam to Linux native

Thanks for the link, i have read all these but i am just not sure that the data files from steam can be used in the same way as the files from an "DVD/CD-install" of the same game. (encryption? key-codes?)

That's the risk you take when dealing with a company that doesn't support Linux (Valve, not id).
OK, but it is not that easy to find CD/DVD versions of all these games, and steam is just sooo easy when that old gamer-itch need to be scratched ;-)

So i would like to know if anybody has tried this :

1. buy id game on steam, and install in windows
2. run linux installer (in Linux)
3. copy the pk4 files and play (as per the instructions for CD/DVD version)

regards Brian
Old 10-01-2008, 02:30 PM   #5
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I don't see how the pk files would be any different whether they came from Steam or were installed on a windows machine from a CD/DVD. It's just a packed datafile. Steam is a method of delivery not a software re-write.

you might find better pricing on CD's or DVD versions than the pricing on steam anyway..
I bought the Linux version of Quake 3 for $2.00 at the local computer store in a nice collectible tin.

Quake 4 is $7.99 from newegg.. how does that compare to the steam pricing ?
Doom 3 is $9.99 at Circuit City.

Last edited by farslayer; 10-01-2008 at 02:40 PM.


games, id, steam

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