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Old 11-25-2004, 02:07 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Boston
Distribution: Ubuntu: Warty & Hoary
Posts: 113

Rep: Reputation: 16
transcode question -- how to get 10fps

I'm trying to use transcode to encode some anime to watch on my iriver h320 (it's an mp3 player that happens to have video playback). However, the h320 is very picky about the video it will play, and it only works with 10 fps avi's at 220x176 with 128 kbps mp3 sound at 44100 Hz (and I can encode with xvid4).

So I've gotten transcode to re-encode an existing video into 10 fps, but something is wrong. It is playing all of the original 30 fps in sequence at 10fps--so it looks like choppy slow motion, and the sound is still playing at normal speed.

How do I get 10 fps to sync properly with the sound?

I'm using the following command:
transcode -i "Videos/Anime/Trigun-01.avi" -y xvid4 -f 10 -Z 220x176 -V -N 0x55 -b 128 -o "iriver-vids/Trigun-01.avi"



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