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Old 05-05-2006, 03:10 PM   #1
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Question Totem - Good Media Player?

I wanted to know what you guys think of Totem as a media player for Linux/Gnome? I find multimedia is a PITA on Linux and we have 100 apps all fighting to do the same basic function. Totem is working great so far on this new Linux system but it came with Gnome/Debian so I wanted to get some feedback from you guys. I guess since it works great for me I should not even bother but I like to get opinions before I go through and install a codec pack to watch .wmv files.
Old 05-05-2006, 03:51 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Carlwill
I wanted to know what you guys think of Totem as a media player for Linux/Gnome? I find multimedia is a PITA on Linux and we have 100 apps all fighting to do the same basic function. Totem is working great so far on this new Linux system but it came with Gnome/Debian so I wanted to get some feedback from you guys. I guess since it works great for me I should not even bother but I like to get opinions before I go through and install a codec pack to watch .wmv files.
Well it seems to work OK for me, though by choice I prefer mplayer. Yes, I did install all the various win32 codecs etc and that all seems to work fine.

Of course, you could always install 2 or 3 different ones and see which you prefer ?


Old 05-05-2006, 05:19 PM   #3
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Mplayer has a clumsy control bar that is seperate of the media window and I hate when I close one video and then open a new one, Mplayer forgets the size of my last session & also positions it somewhere other than where I had it. Totem I can size the window to an exact a video (MPEG) and then close it and click another MPEG and it reopens in the same window size and position on my desktop. Not to mention the controls don't take up 2 slots on the windows tray. Those or just my annoyances with Mplayer but it does seem to be the prefered media player by most. Just not me.
Old 05-05-2006, 06:53 PM   #4
Registered: Apr 2006
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I don't like Totem at all. I am not sure if there is anything particularly wrong with it, I just don't like it.

For audio, I use XMMS or RealPlayer for GUI or if on the console (I'm there alot) I use various programs like mpg321, ogg123, mp3blaster, etc.

For video, I usually use MPlayer.
Old 05-05-2006, 07:00 PM   #5
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Yes, Mplayer seems to be the prefered but as you can tell from the above why I don't care for Mplayer. I love XMMS.
Old 05-07-2006, 07:34 PM   #6
Registered: Apr 2006
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If you love XMMS, why not try XMMPlayer. XMMPlayer is an input plugin for XMMS that uses mplayer to play video files.

It can be found at:

I hope that this helps.
Old 11-03-2006, 01:44 PM   #7
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I installed xmmplayer in Xubuntu and Fedora 4, but both of them do not work. Xmms simply freezes and not message at the terminal is left.
How did you configure the plugin?
What did you set at the entry path to Mplayer?

Old 11-03-2006, 02:31 PM   #8
DJ Shaji
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MPlayer is THE media player for Linux. Period.

First of all, MPlayer is primarily a command line player with an experimental GUI. So, you won't really know what it's real power is until you try it at the command line. For example, try
mplayer somefile.avi -autoq 6 -vf spp -af volnorm,extrastereo
and then play the same file on ANY other media player, and then come back and post again. We'll talk then And these are just the basic options! MPlayer has extremely powerful post processing filters built-in, which can really improve audio/video quality.

Secondly, MPlayer is a movie player. Although it can play audio files, (and all the other media formats out there), that's not it's recommended usage. That said, I would like to add that you haven't really heard music if you haven't used MPlayer's extrastereo audio filter yet. And if your souncard supports 48kHz output and Alsa drivers, MPlayer will automatically resample audio to 48kHz, which, when coupled with the extrastereo filter, actually puts things like "SRS Wow Effects" to shame! So, to play a media file, use
mplayer somefile.mp3 -af volnorm,extrastereo,lavcresample=48000
Then, about Totem - it's a good, lean media player based on Xine-lib. Actually, there are 2 totems. One's based on GStreamer, and the other on Xine-lib. The former is shipped with distro's like Fedora, and to play videos with that, you need something like gstreamer-plugins or something. It's easier to just install xine-lib and totem-xine. One thing about totem is that it has a movie thumbnailer for nautilus, which displays thumbnails for videos. For KDE, I like to use mplayerthumbs, and since it uses KIO (I think) the thumbnails show up in other KDE applications too (Gwenview, DigiKam, Dolphin etc).

About multimedia on Linux - try playing a standard MP4 video (H.264, AAC) on MPlayer and then on Windows. Usually, on Windows, you have to install a whole bunch of programs or codec packs to play formats which are more or less de-facto today, and even then you can't play very high bitrate media unless you have a fairly decent computer. Windows, by default, plays MP3, MPEG, ASF, and .... and .... well, that's just about it.

Here's a list of Video codecs supported by MPlayer :

Available video codecs:
vc:         vfm:      status:   info:  [lib/dll]
ffkmvc      ffmpeg    problems  ffkmvc  [kmvc]
ffzmbv      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Zip Motion-Block Video  [zmbv]
zmbv        vfw       working   Zip Motion-Block Video  [zmbv.dll]
mpegpes     mpegpes   working   MPEG-PES output (.mpg or DXR3/DVB card)
mpeg12      libmpeg2  working   MPEG-1 or 2 (libmpeg2)
ffmpeg1     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG-1  [mpeg1video]
ffmpeg2     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG-2  [mpeg2video]
ffmpeg12    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG-1/2  [mpegvideo]
ffmpeg12mc  ffmpeg    problems  FFmpeg MPEG-1/2 (XvMC)  [mpegvideo_xvmc]
ffnuv       ffmpeg    working   NuppelVideo  [nuv]
nuv         nuv       working   NuppelVideo
ffpng       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg PNG decoder  [png]
mpng        mpng      working   PNG image decoder  [libpng]
mtga        mtga      working   TGA image decoder
sgi         sgi       working   SGI image decoder
ffindeo3    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Intel Indeo 3.1/3.2  [indeo3]
fffli       ffmpeg    working   Autodesk FLI/FLC Animation  [flic]
ffaasc      ffmpeg    working   Autodesk RLE decoder  [aasc]
ffloco      ffmpeg    working   LOCO video decoder  [loco]
ffqtrle     ffmpeg    working   QuickTime Animation (RLE)  [qtrle]
ffrpza      ffmpeg    working   QuickTime Apple Video  [rpza]
ffsmc       ffmpeg    working   Apple Graphics (SMC) codec  [smc]
ff8bps      ffmpeg    working   Planar RGB (Photoshop)  [8bps]
ffcyuv      ffmpeg    working   Creative YUV (libavcodec)  [cyuv]
ffmsrle     ffmpeg    working   Microsoft RLE  [msrle]
ffroqvideo  ffmpeg    working   Id RoQ File Video Decoder  [roqvideo]
lzo         lzo       working   LZO compressed  [liblzo]
theora      theora    working   Theora (free, reworked VP3)  [libtheora]
cram        vfw       problems  Microsoft Video 1  [msvidc32.dll]
ffcvid      ffmpeg    working   Cinepak Video (native codec)  [cinepak]
cvidvfw     vfw       working   Cinepak Video  [iccvid.dll]
huffyuv     vfw       problems  HuffYUV  [huffyuv.dll]
ffvideo1    ffmpeg    working   Microsoft Video 1 (native codec)  [msvideo1]
ffmszh      ffmpeg    working   AVImszh (native codec)  [mszh]
ffzlib      ffmpeg    working   AVIzlib (native codec)  [zlib]
cvidxa      xanim     problems  XAnim's Radius Cinepak Video  [vid_cvid.xa]
ffhuffyuv   ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg HuffYUV  [huffyuv]
ffv1        ffmpeg    working   FFV1 (lossless codec)  [ffv1]
ffsnow      ffmpeg    working   FFSNOW (Michael's wavelet codec)  [snow]
ffasv1      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg ASUS V1  [asv1]
ffasv2      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg ASUS V2  [asv2]
ffvcr1      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg ATI VCR1  [vcr1]
ffcljr      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Cirrus Logic AccuPak (CLJR)  [cljr]
ffsvq1      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Sorenson Video v1 (SVQ1)  [svq1]
ff4xm       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg 4XM video  [4xm]
ffvixl      ffmpeg    working   Miro/Pinnacle VideoXL codec  [xl]
ffqtdrw     ffmpeg    working   QuickDraw native decoder  [qdraw]
ffindeo2    ffmpeg    working   Indeo 2 native decoder  [indeo2]
ffflv       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Flash video  [flv]
fffsv       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Flash Screen video  [flashsv]
ffdivx      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  [msmpeg4]
ffmp42      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg M$ MPEG-4 v2  [msmpeg4v2]
ffmp41      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg M$ MPEG-4 v1  [msmpeg4v1]
ffwmv1      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg M$ WMV1/WMV7  [wmv1]
ffwmv2      ffmpeg    problems  FFmpeg M$ WMV2/WMV8  [wmv2]
ffwmv3      ffmpeg    crashing  FFmpeg M$ WMV3/WMV9  [wmv3]
ffh264      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg H.264  [h264]
ffsvq3      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Sorenson Video v3 (SVQ3)  [svq3]
ffodivx     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG-4  [mpeg4]
ffwv1f      ffmpeg    working   WV1F MPEG-4  [mpeg4]
xvid        xvid      working   XviD (MPEG-4)  [libxvidcore.a]
odivx       odivx     working   OpenDivX API (ODIVX,DIVX4,DIVX5,XVID)  []
divx4       divx4     working   DivX4Linux API (DIVX4,DIVX5,XVID)  []
divx4vfw    vfw       problems  DivX4Windows-VFW  [divx.dll]
divxds      dshow     working   DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  []
divx        vfw       working   DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3)  [divxc32.dll]
mpeg4ds     dshow     working   Microsoft MPEG-4 v1/v2  []
mpeg4       vfw       working   Microsoft MPEG-4 v1/v2  [mpg4c32.dll]
wmv8        dshow     working   Windows Media Video 8  []
wmv7        dshow     working   Windows Media Video 7  []
wmv9dmo     dmo       working   Windows Media Video 9 DMO  [wmv9dmod.dll]
wmvdmo      dmo       working   Windows Media Video DMO  [wmvdmod.dll]
wmvadmo     dmo       working   Windows Media Video Adv DMO  [wmvadvd.dll]
wmvvc1dmo   dmo       working   Windows Media Video (VC-1) Advanced Profile Decoder  [wvc1dmod.dll]
wmsdmod     dmo       working   Windows Media Screen Codec 2  [wmsdmod.dll]
ubmp4       vfw       problems  UB Video MPEG-4  [ubvmp4d.dll]
zrmjpeg     zrmjpeg   problems  Zoran MJPEG passthrough
ffmjpeg     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MJPEG decoder  [mjpeg]
ffmjpegb    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MJPEG-B decoder  [mjpegb]
ijpg        ijpg      working   Independent JPEG Group's codec  [libjpeg]
m3jpeg      vfw       working   Morgan Motion JPEG Codec  [m3jpeg32.dll]
mjpeg       vfw       working   MainConcept Motion JPEG  [mcmjpg32.dll]
avid        vfw       working   AVID Motion JPEG  [AvidAVICodec.dll]
LEAD        vfw       working   LEAD (M)JPEG  [LCodcCMP.dll]
imagepower  vfw       problems  ImagePower MJPEG2000  [jp2avi.dll]
m3jpeg2k    vfw       working   Morgan MJPEG2000  [m3jp2k32.dll]
m3jpegds    dshow     crashing  Morgan MJPEG  []
pegasusm    vfw       crashing  Pegasus Motion JPEG  [pvmjpg21.dll]
pegasusl    vfw       crashing  Pegasus lossless JPEG  [pvljpg20.dll]
pegasusmwv  vfw       crashing  Pegasus Motion Wavelet 2000  [pvwv220.dll]
vivo        vfw       working   Vivo H.263  [ivvideo.dll]
u263        dshow     working   UB Video H.263/H.263+/H.263++ Decoder  []
i263        vfw       working   I263  [i263_32.drv]
ffi263      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg I263 decoder  [h263i]
ffh263      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg H.263+ decoder  [h263]
ffzygo      ffmpeg    untested  FFmpeg ZyGo  [h263]
h263xa      xanim     crashing  XAnim's CCITT H.263  [vid_h263.xa]
ffh261      ffmpeg    working   CCITT H.261  [h261]
h261xa      xanim     problems  XAnim's CCITT H.261  [vid_h261.xa]
m261        vfw       untested  M261  [msh261.drv]
indeo5ds    dshow     working   Intel Indeo 5  [ir50_32.dll]
indeo5      vfwex     working   Intel Indeo 5  [ir50_32.dll]
indeo4      vfw       working   Intel Indeo 4.1  [ir41_32.dll]
indeo3      vfwex     working   Intel Indeo 3.1/3.2  [ir32_32.dll]
indeo5xa    xanim     working   XAnim's Intel Indeo 5  [vid_iv50.xa]
indeo4xa    xanim     working   XAnim's Intel Indeo 4.1  [vid_iv41.xa]
indeo3xa    xanim     working   XAnim's Intel Indeo 3.1/3.2  [vid_iv32.xa]
qdv         dshow     working   Sony Digital Video (DV)  [qdv.dll]
ffdv        ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg DV decoder  [dvvideo]
libdv       libdv     working   Raw DV decoder (libdv)  []
mcdv        vfw       working   MainConcept DV Codec  [mcdvd_32.dll]
3ivXxa      xanim     working   XAnim's 3ivx Delta 3.5 plugin  [vid_3ivX.xa]
3ivX        dshow     crashing  3ivx Delta 3.5  [3ivxdmo.dll]
rv3040      realvid   working   Linux RealPlayer 10 RV30/40 decoder  []
rv40        realvid   working   Linux RealPlayer 9 RV40 decoder  []
rv40win     realvid   working   Win32 RealPlayer 9 RV40 decoder  [drv43260.dll]
rv40mac     realvid   working   Mac OS X RealPlayer 9 RV40 decoder  [drvc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drvc]
rv30        realvid   working   Linux RealPlayer 8 RV30 decoder  []
rv30win     realvid   working   Win32 RealPlayer 8 RV30 decoder  [drv33260.dll]
rv30mac     realvid   working   Mac OS X RealPlayer 9 RV30 decoder  [drvc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drvc]
ffrv20      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg RV20 decoder  [rv20]
rv20        realvid   working   Linux RealPlayer 8 RV20 decoder  []
rv20win     realvid   working   Win32 RealPlayer 8 RV20 decoder  [drv23260.dll]
rv20mac     realvid   working   Mac OS X RealPlayer 9 RV20 decoder  [drv2.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drv2]
ffrv10      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg RV10 decoder  [rv10]
alpary      dshow     working   Alparysoft lossless codec dshow  [aslcodec_dshow.dll]
alpary2     vfw       working   Alparysoft lossless codec vfw  [aslcodec_vfw.dll]
LEADMW20    dshow     working   Lead CMW wavelet 2.0  [LCODCCMW2E.dll]
ffvp3       ffmpeg    untested  FFmpeg VP3  [vp3]
fftheora    ffmpeg    untested  FFmpeg Theora  [theora]
vp3         vfwex     working   On2 Open Source VP3 Codec  [vp31vfw.dll]
vp4         vfwex     working   On2 VP4 Personal Codec  [vp4vfw.dll]
vp5         vfwex     working   On2 VP5 Personal Codec  [vp5vfw.dll]
vp6         vfwex     working   On2 VP6 Personal Codec  [vp6vfw.dll]
vp7         vfwex     working   On2 VP7 Personal Codec  [vp7vfw.dll]
mwv1        vfw       working   Motion Wavelets  [icmw_32.dll]
asv2        vfw       working   ASUS V2  [asusasv2.dll]
asv1        vfw       working   ASUS V1  [asusasvd.dll]
ffultimotion ffmpeg    working   IBM Ultimotion native decoder  [ultimotion]
ultimotion  vfw       working   IBM Ultimotion  [ultimo.dll]
mss1        dshow     working   Windows Screen Video  []
ucod        vfw       working   UCOD-ClearVideo  [clrviddd.dll]
vcr2        vfw       working   ATI VCR-2  [ativcr2.dll]
CJPG        vfw       working   CJPG  [CtWbJpg.DLL]
ffduck      ffmpeg    working   Duck Truemotion1  [truemotion1]
fftm20      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Duck/On2 TrueMotion 2.0  [truemotion2]
tm20        dshow     working   TrueMotion 2.0  []
ffsp5x      ffmpeg    working   SP5x codec - used by Aiptek MegaCam  [sp5x]
sp5x        vfw       working   SP5x codec - used by Aiptek MegaCam  [sp5x_32.dll]
vivd2       vfw       working   SoftMedia ViVD V2 codec VfW  [ViVD2.dll]
winx        vfwex     working   Winnov Videum winx codec  [wnvwinx.dll]
ffwnv1      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg wnv1 native codec  [wnv1]
wnv1        vfwex     working   Winnov Videum wnv1 codec  [wnvplay1.dll]
vdom        vfw       working   VDOWave codec  [vdowave.drv]
lsv         vfw       working   Vianet Lsvx Video Decoder  [lsvxdec.dll]
vmnc        vfw       working   VMware video  [vmnc.dll]
ffsmkvid    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Smacker Video  [smackvid]
qt3ivx      qtvideo   working   win32/quicktime 3IV1 (3ivx) decoder  [3ivx Delta 3.5.qtx]
qtavui      qtvideo   working   Win32/QuickTime Avid Meridien Uncompressed  [AvidQTAVUICodec.qtx]
qth263      qtvideo   crashing  Win32/QuickTime H.263 decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtrlerpza   qtvideo   crashing  Win32/Quicktime RLE/RPZA decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtvp3       qtvideo   crashing  Win32/QuickTime VP3 decoder  [On2_VP3.qtx]
qtzygo      qtvideo   problems  win32/quicktime ZyGo decoder  [ZyGoVideo.qtx]
qtbhiv      qtvideo   untested  Win32/QuickTime BeHereiVideo decoder  [BeHereiVideo.qtx]
qtcvid      qtvideo   working   Win32/QuickTime Cinepak decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtindeo     qtvideo   crashing  Win32/QuickTime Indeo decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtmjpeg     qtvideo   crashing  Win32/QuickTime MJPEG decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtmpeg4     qtvideo   crashing  Win32/QuickTime MPEG-4 decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtsvq3      qtvideo   working   Win32/QuickTime SVQ3 decoder  [QuickTimeEssentials.qtx]
qtsvq1      qtvideo   problems  Win32/QuickTime SVQ1 decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
vsslight    vfw       working   VSS Codec Light  [vsslight.dll]
vssh264     dshow     working   VSS H.264 New  [vsshdsd.dll]
vssh264old  vfw       working   VSS H.264 Old  [vssh264.dll]
vsswlt      vfw       working   VSS Wavelet Video Codec  [vsswlt.dll]
zlib        vfw       working   AVIzlib  [avizlib.dll]
mszh        vfw       working   AVImszh  [avimszh.dll]
alaris      vfwex     crashing  Alaris VideoGramPiX  [vgpix32d.dll]
vcr1        vfw       crashing  ATI VCR-1  [ativcr1.dll]
pim1        vfw       crashing  Pinnacle Hardware MPEG-1  [pclepim1.dll]
qpeg        vfw       working   Q-Team's QPEG (  [qpeg32.dll]
rricm       vfw       crashing  rricm  [rricm.dll]
ffcamtasia  ffmpeg    working   TechSmith Camtasia Screen Codec (native)  [camtasia]
camtasia    vfw       working   TechSmith Camtasia Screen Codec  [tsccvid.dll]
ffcamstudio ffmpeg    working   CamStudio Screen Codec  [camstudio]
fraps       vfw       working   FRAPS: Realtime Video Capture  [frapsvid.dll]
rawrgb32    raw       working   RAW RGB32
rawrgb24    raw       working   RAW RGB24
rawrgb16    raw       working   RAW RGB16
rawbgr32flip raw       working   RAW BGR32
rawbgr32    raw       working   RAW BGR32
rawbgr24flip raw       working   RAW BGR24
rawbgr24    raw       working   RAW BGR24
rawbgr16flip raw       working   RAW BGR15
rawbgr16    raw       working   RAW BGR15
rawbgr15flip raw       working   RAW BGR15
rawbgr15    raw       working   RAW BGR15
rawbgr8flip raw       working   RAW BGR8
rawbgr8     raw       working   RAW BGR8
rawbgr1     raw       working   RAW BGR1
rawyuy2     raw       working   RAW YUY2
rawuyvy     raw       working   RAW UYVY
raw444P     raw       working   RAW 444P
raw422P     raw       working   RAW 422P
rawyv12     raw       working   RAW YV12
rawnv21     hmblck    working   RAW NV21
rawnv12     hmblck    working   RAW NV12
rawhm12     hmblck    working   RAW HM12
rawi420     raw       working   RAW I420
rawyvu9     raw       working   RAW YVU9
rawy800     raw       working   RAW Y8/Y800
null        null      crashing  NULL codec (no decoding!)
Here's a list of audio codecs supported by MPlayer (invoked by mplayer -ac help)

Available audio codecs:
ac:         afm:      status:   info:  [lib/dll]
wma9dmo     dmo       working   Windows Media Audio 9 DMO  [wma9dmod.dll]
wmadmo      dmo       working   Windows Media Audio DMO  [wmadmod.dll]
wma9spdmo   dmo       working   Windows Media Audio 9 Speech DMO  [wmspdmod.dll]
wma9spdshow dshow     problems  Windows Media Audio 9 Speech DShow  []
ffqdm2      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg QDM2 audio decoder  [qdm2]
qdmc        qtaudio   working   QuickTime QDMC/QDM2 audio decoders  [QuickTime.qts]
qclp        qtaudio   working   QuickTime QCLP audio decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtmace3     qtaudio   working   QuickTime MACE3 audio decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
qtmace6     qtaudio   working   QuickTime MACE6 audio decoder  [QuickTime.qts]
ffra144     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg RealAudio 1.0  [real_144]
ffra288     ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg RealAudio 2.0  [real_288]
ffcook      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg COOK audio decoder  [cook]
ra144       realaud   working   RealAudio 1.0  []
ra144win    realaud   working   Win32 RealAudio 1.0  [14_43260.dll]
ra144mac    realaud   working   Mac OS X RealAudio 1.0  [14_4.shlb]
ra288       realaud   working   RealAudio 2.0  []
ra288win    realaud   working   Win32 RealAudio 2.0  [28_83260.dll]
ra288mac    realaud   working   Mac OS X RealAudio 2.0  [28_8.shlb]
ra10cook    realaud   working   RealPlayer 10 COOK audio  []
racook      realaud   working   RealAudio COOK  []
racookwin   realaud   working   Win32 RealAudio COOK  [cook3260.dll]
racookmac   realaud   working   Mac OS X RealAudio COOK  [cook.bundle/Contents/MacOS/cook]
rasipr      realaud   working   RealAudio Sipro  []
rasiprwin   realaud   working   Win32 RealAudio Sipro  [sipr3260.dll]
rasiprmac   realaud   working   Mac OS X RealAudio Sipro  [sipr.bundle/Contents/MacOS/sipr]
raatrc      realaud   working   RealAudio ATRAC3  []
raatrcwin   realaud   working   Win32 RealAudio ATRAC3  [atrc3260.dll]
raatrcmac   realaud   working   Mac OS X RealAudio ATRAC3  [atrc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/atrc]
imaadpcm    imaadpcm  working   IMA ADPCM
msadpcm     msadpcm   working   MS ADPCM
dk4adpcm    imaadpcm  working   Duck DK4 ADPCM (rogue format number)
dk3adpcm    dk3adpcm  working   Duck DK3 ADPCM (rogue format number)
ffroqaudio  ffmpeg    working   Id RoQ File Audio Decoder  [roq_dpcm]
ffsmkaud    ffmpeg    problems  FFmpeg Smacker Audio  [smackaud]
libdv       libdv     working   raw DV audio decoder (libdv)  []
ffdv        ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg DV audio decoder  [dvaudio]
faad        faad      working   FAAD AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio) decoder  [libfaad2]
ffflac      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg FLAC audio decoder  [flac]
ffalac      ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg ALAC audio decoder  [alac]
pcm         pcm       working   Uncompressed PCM
divx        acm       working   DivX audio (WMA)  [divxa32.acm]
msadpcmacm  acm       working   MS ADPCM  [msadp32.acm]
mp3         mp3lib    working   mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3
ffpcmdaud   ffmpeg    untested  D-Cinema audio (FFmpeg)  [pcm_s24daud]
ffwmav1     ffmpeg    untested  DivX audio v1 (FFmpeg)  [wmav1]
ffwmav2     ffmpeg    untested  DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg)  [wmav2]
ffmac3      ffmpeg    untested  Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion 3:1  [mace3]
ffmac6      ffmpeg    untested  Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion 6:1  [mace6]
ffsonic     ffmpeg    untested  FFmpeg Sonic  [sonic]
ffmp3on4    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Multi-channel MPEG layer-3 on MP4 audio decoder  [mp3on4]
ffmp3       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG layer-3 audio decoder  [mp3]
ffmp3adu    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG layer-3 adu audio decoder  [mp3adu]
ffmp2       ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg MPEG layer-1 and layer-2 audio decoder  [mp2]
mad         libmad    working   libMAD MPEG layer 1-2-3  [libmad]
mp3acm      acm       working   MPEG layer-3  [l3codeca.acm]
imaadpcmacm acm       working   IMA ADPCM  [imaadp32.acm]
msgsm       msgsm     working   MS GSM
msgsmacm    acm       working   MS GSM  [msgsm32.acm]
msnaudio    acm       working   MSN AUDIO  [msnaudio.acm]
alaw        alaw      working   aLaw
ulaw        alaw      working   uLaw
dvdpcm      dvdpcm    working   Uncompressed DVD/VOB LPCM
a52         liba52    working   AC3-liba52  [liba52]
ac3         libac3    working   AC3-libac3  [libac3]
ffdts       ffmpeg    working   DTS  [dts]
musepack    mpcdec    working   Musepack audio codec
ffamrnb     ffmpeg    working   AMR Narrowband  [amr_nb]
ffamrwb     ffmpeg    working   AMR Wideband  [amr_wb]
ffadcpmswf  ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg's ADPCM Flash-variant  [adpcm_swf]
voxware     dshow     working   VoxWare  []
acelp       dshow     working Sipro Lab Audio Decoder  []
imc         acm       working   Intel Music Coder  [imc32.acm]
iac25       acm       working   Indeo audio  []
ffctadp32   ffmpeg    working   Creative ADPCM native codec  [adpcm_ct]
ctadp32     acm       working   Creative ADPCM codec  [ctadp32.acm]
sc4         acm       working   SC4 : Micronas speech codec (ADPCM, MPman recording)  [mi-sc4.acm]
hwac3       hwac3     working   AC3 through S/PDIF
hwdts       hwac3     working   DTS through S/PDIF
vorbis      libvorbis working   OggVorbis Audio Decoder  [libvorbis]
ffvorbis    ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg Vorbis decoder  [vorbis]
speex       speex     working   Speex Audio Decoder  [speex]
vivoaudio   acm       working   Vivo G.723/Siren Audio Codec  [vivog723.acm]
g72x        g72x      crashing  G.711/G.721/G.723  [g72x.c]
ffg726      ffmpeg    working   Sharp G.726 Audio  [g726]
g726        acm       untested  Sharp G.726 Audio  [scg726.acm]
atrac3      acm       problems  Sony ATRAC3  [atrac3.acm]
ALF2        acm       working   ALF2  [alf2cd.acm]
fftruespeech ffmpeg    working   FFmpeg TrueSpeech  [truespeech]
truespeech  acm       working   DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM)  [tssoft32.acm]
voxwarert24 acm       working   VoxWare RT24 speech codec  [nsrt2432.acm]
lhacm       acm       working   Lernout & Hauspie CELP and SBC codecs  [lhacm.acm]
TwinVQ      vqf       working   VQF codec by NTTLabs  [tvqdec.dll]
hwmpa       hwmpa     working   MPEG audio pass-through for hardware MPEG decoders
By the way, there's an experimental codec caled Sonic, and the audio quality at low bitrates is amazing! How did I come across it, you ask? MPlayer can encode and play it, and I just tried it out. By the way, MPlayer comes with an encoder, the Mencoder, which is lightening fast, and you will be amazed at what it can do.

To rip a vcd :
mplayer vcd:// -dumpstream
To encode it :
mencoder stream.dump -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=h263p:acodec=sonic:vbitrate=768:abitrate=48 -o encoded-video.avi
I'm sorry, I forgot the topic of the post completely! So, you were saying, multimedia on Linux is what now?

// Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel, luckily.

Last edited by DJ Shaji; 11-03-2006 at 02:35 PM.
Old 11-05-2006, 02:59 AM   #9
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 94

Rep: Reputation: 16
Personally, I like totem about the best. It's interface is simple, clean, and has all the functions that I really care about. Mplayer has really good performance, but there is alot of times that I don't feel like running videos from a command line interface. Mplayer works super if what you're doing fits initiating from the CLI (some tasks are well suited for this), but I've found that the graphical front ends available for it tend to leave something to be desired. Most seem to be rather incomplete projects, and of the more complete ones, they seem to be skin based most often (skins are the dumbest and most gimmicky thing ever IMHO). I hate skin based programs since they're all about looking pretty at the expense of being functionally retarded.

So my current opinion is that totem is about the best and most practical player for Linux that I have found. I've messed with many and totem seems to be about the only one that doesn't irritate me or suck IMO. Some of the ones for KDE may be pretty good though (probably are), but I run with gnome so I'm not real sure how players fair on the KDE front.

If you're more of gnome person, you're probably going to be hard pressed to beat totem if you want a decent gui based player. Of course, don't take my word for it. If in any doubt, try out a bunch. That's what Linux is all about.

Totem isn't without it's share of warts. Just like everything else, it does have a few issues. Like sometimes mine will act weird after playing .wmv files. It will quit open and close, but won't do anything. It ends up taking having to log out and back in, or restarting X to get it working right again. I have a feeling this is probably less of the fault of totem as much as it's plain and simple the issue trying to use it with a proprietary codec (closed system means unknown secrets and issues can't ever truely be nipped in the bud). It seems like using these win32 codec libraries tends to bring some of window's quirkiness to Linux. I just write it off as such and figure it's the price of having to deal with crappy Microsoft video formats. Ideally more people would embrace open standards when they encode and then we could all be completely rid of the plague that is MS's mediocre garbage.
Old 11-05-2006, 04:37 AM   #10
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When I use GNOME, I prefer Totem as my media player because if you install the version that uses the Xine backend, you can play any type of multimedia file as long as you have the right codecs. You also get good integration with the rest of the GNOME desktop. XMMS doesn't fit in with the rest of the desktop because it uses and older gkt toolkit, so if I want an mp3 player only, I use BMP or BMPx which are XMMS like clones but use gtk2 instead of gtk1.x. BMPx also has a library feature which is not available in XMMS. MPlayer is also good and will play any type of multimedia file, but I do not like its GUI interface.
Old 03-24-2007, 06:24 AM   #11
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2007
Posts: 8

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I'm definately with DJ Shaji on this one,
MPlayer is awesome!
I'm a recent Linux convert and already I'm using it to backup, encode and play my DVDs!


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