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Old 10-07-2014, 03:38 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Maple Heights OHIO
Distribution: Centos 6
Posts: 31

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Unhappy Totally hosed yum subsystem.

Hello ALL. I am in a somewhat untenable situation. I am running an antique linux system.
Not by choice but this fossil is running a nat router for the house based on iptables,netfilter. I could live with it but as yum is totally hosed on this system
I can only install things by tarball compilations. Perhaps some linux archeologist
has some ideas on how I can reinstall yum on it so I can return to sanity. 8^(
I hope the answer isn't suck it up and reinstall all. If I could I would but many in
the house are totally dependant on this dinosaur that would be a mess. More then it is
already, System is as follows.

cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)

rpm -V yum gives me this trainwreck.

S.5....T c /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron
S.5....T c /etc/yum.conf
S.5....T /usr/bin/yum
..?..... /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/repomd/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/callback.pyc
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/cli.pyc
.......T /usr/share/yum-cli/i18n.pyc
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/output.pyc
.......T /usr/share/yum-cli/progress_meter.pyc
.......T /usr/share/yum-cli/pullheaders.pyc
.......T /usr/share/yum-cli/serverStuff.pyc
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/shell.pyc
.......T /usr/share/yum-cli/translate.pyc
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/
S.5....T /usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.pyc

After you get up from laughing. A clue would be nice on how to at least get yum functioning.
Old 10-07-2014, 04:31 PM   #2
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Registered: Mar 2012
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So it looks like a lot of md5 sums and file sizes got changed which would appear to have caused the problems.

Also, curious why a 4 box would have yum anyways? Shouldn't it have up2date still? Not sure as I usually dont play with Fedora and it could be that just RedHat 4 was still on up2date and didnt want to google that far.

Since yum is hosed I would remove it with NO DEPS! It will remove python 2.4 and many many others as deps.

Then do a rpm install with no deps from the yum package here:

But first check on up2date and see if that is usable.

Additionally what are you trying to do with yum on a fedora 4 box that, from your description, sounds like it is held up with toothpicks? I would avoid upgrading any packages with yum as Im not sure how stable those old 2005 repo's still are.

If I were in your shoes I would look at a CentOS 6 box or something like vyatta if you need a routing/network appliance style box. A lot of these are opinions but just some food for thought.

Post some more details about what you are actually trying to do instead of just saying yum is f'ed in the a.
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 10-07-2014, 04:36 PM   #3
John VV
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fedora 4

but as yum is totally hosed on this system

no yum is NOT hosed
it is DEAD and buried 6 feet under

many many many years ago when fedora 6 came out fedora 4 went end of life
all the way back in " 2006-08-07"
-- yes back in 2006

there are NO repos for 4 any longer
and there have been NO updates for OVER 8 years

how I can reinstall yum
on fedora 4
you install Fedora 21
you are 17 versions of fedora OUT OF DATE
Old 10-07-2014, 04:42 PM   #4
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Yea to double up on my post and John's. Get a new OS stood up and scream test it until its fully functioning.

Meaning you take whatever config you know you need and migrate it, power off the current one power on the new one and give it the old IP. Leave it until someone runs over to you screaming about something not working and then power on the old one and figure it out.

Rinse and repeat until nobody screams at you.

If you haven't done the scream test before or heard of it, it is very very common lol. I have used it at every company I have worked for and all are 1 billion+ cap companies.
Old 10-07-2014, 09:23 PM   #5
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Maple Heights OHIO
Distribution: Centos 6
Posts: 31

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Originally Posted by Kustom42 View Post
So it looks like a lot of md5 sums and file sizes got changed which would appear to have caused the problems.

Also, curious why a 4 box would have yum anyways? Shouldn't it have up2date still? Not sure as I usually dont play with Fedora and it could be that just RedHat 4 was still on up2date and didnt want to google that far.

Since yum is hosed I would remove it with NO DEPS! It will remove python 2.4 and many many others as deps.

Then do a rpm install with no deps from the yum package here:

But first check on up2date and see if that is usable.

Additionally what are you trying to do with yum on a fedora 4 box that, from your description, sounds like it is held up with toothpicks? I would avoid upgrading any packages with yum as Im not sure how stable those old 2005 repo's still are.

If I were in your shoes I would look at a CentOS 6 box or something like vyatta if you need a routing/network appliance style box. A lot of these are opinions but just some food for thought.

Post some more details about what you are actually trying to do instead of just saying yum is f'ed in the a.
Ok I agree with you. Just wanted to pose the question. I have 2 Contos machines working here.
Guess I will trash the tooth pics and move to one of them. I will try your suggestion with the
nodeps. I will need to block out some weekends to do it. But WTH. I am just trying to maintain
the things functionality , but If it's a major pain to do that, I will just run Centos 6 and setup
another box. Only pain is dealing with my ISP and changing the MAC address I use with the
cable modem. Thanks for the tips though. Better than saying 'YOU ARE SOL' forget it. This thing
has been trough hell before I inherited it.
Old 10-07-2014, 09:34 PM   #6
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Maple Heights OHIO
Distribution: Centos 6
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Originally Posted by John VV View Post
fedora 4

no yum is NOT hosed
it is DEAD and buried 6 feet under

many many many years ago when fedora 6 came out fedora 4 went end of life
all the way back in " 2006-08-07"
-- yes back in 2006

there are NO repos for 4 any longer
and there have been NO updates for OVER 8 years

on fedora 4
you install Fedora 21
you are 17 versions of fedora OUT OF DATE
Ok tell me what you really think. Reading the replies from members, I think I will dump it and start
over. I have a lot of hardware here I can try moving stuff between machines. was getting
to be a real pain backing the thing up. Was getting tired of it anyways.
Thanks for looking and not losing you stomach contents.
Old 10-07-2014, 10:22 PM   #7
John VV
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fedora 4 is very long dead
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT USE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fedora 4 has had NO security updates in over 8 YEARS!!!
there is NO way to fix yum

it is NOT broken it works
there is NOTHING for it to install
no repos
no updates
the 8 year old antique Historical archive is about it

and it moved about 8 years ago to the historical archive
is the install iso and defaultinstall media from 2005

and some of the LAST updates that were issued back in 2006 are there

but not the thirdparty repos

and again

there is NOTHING to install
non of that software has been updated since fedora 4 went END OF LIFE

for a server
install Redhat or the FREE CentOS 6.5 or 7.0
or Debian STABLE
or the current Slackware

do not use fedora !!!

Fedora has ONLY a 13 MONTH life span
CentOS has a 7 YEAR and RHEL has a 10 TEN YEAR life span
Old 10-07-2014, 11:21 PM   #8
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Maple Heights OHIO
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Posts: 31

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Originally Posted by Kustom42 View Post
So it looks like a lot of md5 sums and file sizes got changed which would appear to have caused the problems.

Also, curious why a 4 box would have yum anyways? Shouldn't it have up2date still? Not sure as I usually dont play with Fedora and it could be that just RedHat 4 was still on up2date and didnt want to google that far.

Since yum is hosed I would remove it with NO DEPS! It will remove python 2.4 and many many others as deps.

Then do a rpm install with no deps from the yum package here:

But first check on up2date and see if that is usable.

Additionally what are you trying to do with yum on a fedora 4 box that, from your description, sounds like it is held up with toothpicks? I would avoid upgrading any packages with yum as Im not sure how stable those old 2005 repo's still are.

If I were in your shoes I would look at a CentOS 6 box or something like vyatta if you need a routing/network appliance style box. A lot of these are opinions but just some food for thought.

Post some more details about what you are actually trying to do instead of just saying yum is f'ed in the a.
Ill'e be dipped. That actually worked !!. At least well enough to get some things to
help me move this bag of bones to a new box.


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