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Old 10-18-2011, 12:51 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 86

Rep: Reputation: 15
Tor with Polipo problems

Hey all, i'm trying to get polipo to run alongside tor but am having troubles with it. Tor runs fine without it enabled but i get an error
Tor proxy test: Local HTTP Proxy is unreachable. Is Polipo running properly?
when i go to test it in tor preferences. The default port for http and ssl is set to 8118 but most sites say to set it to 8123. Neither of these options work though.

My /etc/polipo/config looks like this:
and the output of polipo -v looks like this:
polipo -v                
configFile /etc/polipo/config Configuration file.
CHUNK_SIZE 8192 Unit of chunk memory allocation.
allowUnalignedRangeRequests boolean false Allow unaligned range requests (unreliable).
allowedClients list Networks from which clients are allowed to connect.
allowedPorts intlist 80-100, 1024-65535 Ports to which connections are allowed.
authCredentials atom (hidden) username:password.
authRealm atom (none) Authentication realm.
bigBufferSize integer 32768 Size of big buffers (max size of headers).
cacheIsShared boolean true If false, ignore s-maxage and private.
censorReferer tristate false Censor referer headers.
censoredHeaders list (empty list) Headers to censor.
chunkCriticalMark integer 24772608 Critical mark for chunk memory (0 = auto).
chunkHighMark integer 25165824 High mark for chunk memory.
chunkLowMark integer 18874368 Low mark for chunk memory (0 = auto).
clientTimeout time 2m Client-side timeout.
daemonise boolean false Run as a daemon
disableConfiguration boolean false Disable reconfiguring Polipo at runtime.
disableIndexing boolean true Disable indexing of the local cache.
disableLocalInterface boolean true Disable the local configuration pages.
disableProxy boolean false Whether to be a web server only.
disableServersList boolean true Disable the list of known servers.
disableVia boolean true Don't use Via headers.
diskCacheDirectoryPermissions integer 0700 Access rights for new directories.
diskCacheFilePermissions integer 0600 Access rights for new cache files.
diskCacheRoot atom (none) Root of the disk cache.
diskCacheTruncateSize integer 1048576 Size to which on-disk objects are truncated.
diskCacheTruncateTime time 4d12h Time after which on-disk objects are truncated.
diskCacheUnlinkTime time 32d Time after which on-disk objects are removed.
diskCacheWriteoutOnClose integer 32768 Number of bytes to write out eagerly.
dnsGethostbynameTtl time 20m TTL for gethostbyname addresses.
dnsMaxTimeout time 1m Max timeout for DNS queries.
dnsNameServer atom The name server to use.
dnsNegativeTtl time 2m TTL for negative DNS replies with no TTL.
dnsQueryIPv6 4-state happily Query for IPv6 addresses.
dnsUseGethostbyname 4-state reluctantly Use the system resolver.
dontCacheCookies boolean false Work around cachable cookies.
dontCacheRedirects boolean false If true, don't cache redirects.
dontTrustVaryETag tristate maybe Whether to trust the ETag when there's Vary.
expectContinue tristate maybe Send Expect-Continue to servers.
forbiddenFile atom (none) File specifying forbidden URLs.
forbiddenRedirectCode integer 302 Redirect code, 301 or 302.
forbiddenUrl atom (none) URL to which forbidden requests should be redirected.
idleTime time 20s Time to remain idle before writing out.
laxHttpParser boolean true Ignore unknown HTTP headers.
localDocumentRoot atom /usr/share/polipo/www/ Root of the local tree.
logFacility atom user Syslog facility to use.
logFile atom (none) Log file (stderr if empty and logSyslog is unset).
logLevel integer 0x7 Logging level (max = 0xFF).
logSyslog boolean false Log to syslog.
maxAge time 14d1h Max age for objects without Expires header.
maxAgeFraction float 0.100000 Fresh fraction of modification time.
maxConnectionAge time 21m Maximum age of a server-side connection.
maxConnectionRequests integer 400 Maximum number of requests on a server-side connection.
maxDiskCacheEntrySize integer -1 Maximum size of objects cached on disk.
maxDiskEntries integer 32 File descriptors used by the on-disk cache.
maxExpiresAge time 30d1h Max age for objects with Expires header.
maxNoModifiedAge time 23m Max age for objects without Last-modified.
maxObjectsWhenIdle integer 32 Number of objects to write at a time when idle.
maxPipelineTrain integer 10 Maximum number of requests pipelined at a time.
maxSideBuffering integer 1500 Maximum buffering for PUT and POST requests.
maxWriteoutWhenIdle integer 65536 Amount of data to write at a time when idle.
mindlesslyCacheVary boolean false If true, mindlessly cache negotiated objects.
objectHashTableSize integer 32768 Size of the object hash table (0 = auto).
objectHighMark integer 2048 High object count mark.
parentAuthCredentials atom (hidden) username:password.
parentProxy atom (none) Parent proxy (host:port).
pidFile atom (none) File with pid of running daemon.
pipelineAdditionalRequests tristate maybe Pipeline requests on an active connection.
pmmFirstSize integer 0 The size of the first PMM chunk.
pmmSize integer 0 The size of a PMM chunk.
preciseExpiry boolean false Whether to consider all files for purging.
proxyAddress atom The IP address on which the proxy listens.
proxyName atom localhost The name by which the proxy is known.
proxyOffline boolean false Avoid contacting remote servers.
proxyPort integer 8123 The TCP port on which the proxy listens.
publicObjectLowMark integer 1024 Low object count mark (0 = auto).
redirector atom (none) Squid-style redirector.
redirectorRedirectCode integer 302 Redirect code to use with redirector.
relaxTransparency tristate false Avoid contacting remote servers.
replyUnpipelineSize integer 1048576 Size for a pipeline break.
replyUnpipelineTime time 20s Estimated time for a pipeline break.
serverExpireTime time 1d Time during which server data is valid.
serverIdleTimeout time 45s Server-side idle timeout.
serverMaxSlots integer 8 Maximum number of connections per broken server.
serverSlots integer 4 Maximum number of connections per server.
serverSlots1 integer 4 Maximum number of connections per HTTP/1.0 server.
serverTimeout time 1m30s Server-side timeout.
smallRequestTime time 10s Estimated time for a small request.
socksParentProxy atom localhost:9050 SOCKS parent proxy (host:port)
socksProxyType atom socks5 One of socks4a or socks5
socksUserName atom (empty) SOCKS4a user name
tunnelAllowedPorts intlist 22, 80, 109-110, 143, 443, 873, 993, 995, 2401, 5222-5223, 9418 Ports to which tunnelled connections are allowed.
uncachableFile atom (none) File specifying uncachable URLs.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Old 10-18-2011, 01:28 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2011
Posts: 130

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
It's been a while since I set it up, but I made a few notes regarding the ports because, like you, I discovered some discrepancy.

9385 seems to be used by the proxy to talk to TOR (or other proxy chain) which is listening on 9050, with 8123 being the port users talk to the proxy on.

Something sort of jumps out to me. Your verbose output says:
proxyAddress atom The IP address on which the proxy listens.
proxyPort integer 8123 The TCP port on which the proxy listens.
But I'm slightly at odds with this in your config:
I'd love to say that this may be to blame, but I can't be sure as the manual is not wonderfully clear.

Do the logs give anything away?
Can you telnet to it, mash the keypad, and get any kind of response from it or does it kick you without connecting?
How are you talking to this proxy - direct on the local box itself, or is it running on a different box that should be listening on something other than the loopback address?
Are you unwittingly packet filtering and dropping the packets meant for the proxy?

Last edited by leslie_jones; 10-18-2011 at 01:32 AM.
1 members found this post helpful.
Old 10-18-2011, 01:44 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 86

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
You were absolutely right that the
line was causing this problem. I've changed it to false and everything is working like a charm now. Thank you for your quick reply and your help!

Last edited by phoenixfire; 10-18-2011 at 01:48 AM.
Old 10-18-2011, 01:55 AM   #4
Registered: Sep 2011
Posts: 130

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Hey! Don't thank me - it was luck more than skill ;-)

Glad you've got it working!


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