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Old 03-15-2005, 06:30 PM   #1
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Thunderbird, Webmail extensions, port 110 problem

Can someone tell me how to get webmail extension working? I'm really confused. Apparently it needs an external application to work since it connects to the localhost (

I am using the Thunderbird V. 1.0. I also got the webmail extension from . The problem is that after I installed them and check the options for the webmail extension, it says my port 110, and any ports below 1024, may be blocked by my OS. I am using Mandrake and I made sure that the firewall is turned OFF. The only thing I can think of is that my router may be blocking it? I tried port forwarding of 110 to my IP address, but it did not work. When I try ports above 1024, they work fine.

Last edited by Micro420; 03-15-2005 at 07:24 PM.
Old 03-15-2005, 07:24 PM   #2
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the ports in range 0-1024 are reserved for root. The cheasy solution would be to hack up a demon that copies from port 110 to (say) 1110; I'd think there's an easy way to do this (easy as in doesn't require you to actually write any C code). As long as you don't start running this as root
Old 03-15-2005, 07:27 PM   #3
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Thanks for the reply but this is getting complicated. let me explain:

I installed this program called Hotwayd, which allows you to get HOtmail by setting up your localhost, I then edited my /etc/hosts.allow file and allowed Hotwayd to be I was then able to download mail (Hotmail only) in THunderbird using a higher port, like 1025 and setting the POP server to be (I really don't get this. I just followed Hotwayd's instructions). Problem was that Hotwayd does not support Yahoo mail so I uninstalled it. Now I can't get any Hotmail or Yahoo mail. I'm really confused as to how this works. BUT, now my port 110 is open again and the Webmail extension in Thunderbird says it is all set up and ready to go.

Another thing is that I am a PAYING customer to Yahoo PLUS ($20 a year), yet, I am unable to access their POP3 to get mail in Thunderbird. I set everything up, the POP and SMTP, yet I get an error when I type my password. All authentication and security settings are off, as instructed by Yahoo.

Any ideas?!?!?

Last edited by Micro420; 03-15-2005 at 07:29 PM.
Old 03-15-2005, 07:42 PM   #4
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try something like this (but only delete mail you don't wanna have anymore):

$ telnet 110
USER JohnDoe
PASS Private
if it all works, then Yahoo really provides pop for you, but something in your config is wrong. Try some other email clients: evolution and mutt, to name two.

explanation about Hotwayd: what it does is that it pretends to be a POP3 mail server; whenever you request something from it, it just requests the same from hotmail and then delivers it back to you. Let me guess: it was quite slow? That's because (unless you can actually pop @ hotmail) it was downloading html. Yahoopops works that way, at least (I wouldn't be surprised if this is at least sorta' the same).

By the way, I can recommend you an email configuration like mine: I have my public email ( which forwards mail to an address of choice: (they provide 15MB storage, _free_ pop and smtp, which works quite ok). In case I find a better mail provider, I switch the configs for my sourceforge account to forward to that instead, and nobody who sends me mail will ever need to know. I'm thinking this just maybe could work for you too.

Hope this helps,

Jonas Kölker
Old 03-15-2005, 07:48 PM   #5
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Rep: Reputation: 45
Thank you for the detailed reply and explanation, Jonas.

I telnetted into 110

It then said "HELLO!"

so I did

user myusername
pass mypassword
and then it said "Error logging in. Visit"

So I don't have POP access?

I will also look into e-mail forwarding.

Last edited by Micro420; 03-15-2005 at 07:51 PM.


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