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Old 07-16-2003, 03:06 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: debian (sid)
Posts: 693

Rep: Reputation: 30
The Third Reich (UT WW2 MOD) 1.2 is out!

Hello my fellow penguin-hugging friends!

A few days ago the Unreal Tournament World War II Modification called
"The Third Reich", had version 1.2 released.

Here's a list of some of the more important features in TTR in general:

# Two sides with 11 available roles, 15 weapons and all about realism, teamwork and tactics
# Realistic weapon models, handling and bullet behaviour including ballistics and penetration
# Locational damage
# Authentic weapon sounds recorded from authentic WW2 weapons
# Voice commands for in-game communication
# 12 superb and atmospheric battlefield locations + additional community made locations

Some of the new features in version 1.2 include:

# A vastly improved OpenGL driver supporting

* High-Quality S3TC Compressed Textures on the player- and weapon-models
* Full-screen Anti Aliasing (2x, 4x, 6x, 8x - whatever your gfx card allows)
* Antisotropic Filtering
* and more...

# Four (That's 4) New Maps; Bigger and Better than before
# A complete new German Voice pack
# Voices are now real-world, meaning that you will hear them from the person who
uses them, and not hear them as if they come through an intercom
# Realistic Distance effects have been used for explosions and weapons-fire
# A Reworked Speech / Bot Menu, key driven ala UT2003 for increased usability
# Crouch- and Aim Toggle have been added
# Breathing effects and sounds have been completely implemented
# A Re-worked Bleeding and Stamina System
# And many more improvements and new features... (check the changelog for it all)

In short, version 1.2 reinforces the claim TTR has on it being one of the best
World War II Modifications out there, by decreasing the speed of the game to
allow team-tactics to be properly executed and by increasing the realism, gfx-
and sfx-quality to a new level.

A graphical installer can be downloaded for 1.1, which can then be updated
using a zipfile containing the new 1.2 files, opengl renderer and ini files.
A linux dedicated server pack can be downloaded as well.

TTR Homepage - TTR Forums
TTR IRC Channel: #TTR
Old 07-16-2003, 08:20 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Rep: Reputation: 15
I don't know what is more amazing, that I may have finally found a replacement for DoD or that was available

looks as though I need to find me a copy of UT.

thx for the link neene
Old 07-16-2003, 08:29 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Netherlands
Distribution: debian (sid)
Posts: 693

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
hope to see you around ;)


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