the standard x is really just the bare minimum.
there is a file when you build it
there you can cut it down a little if you know what you are doing
make sure no freetype font server is built either cause you got your own or just want crappy fonts
use some shared libs raher than have x build them
you can also only build your video driver rather than all of them
leave out international fonts
leave out the man pages
build less input drivers
basically all you get is x server (x is a server), fonts that you need , xterm, twm(default window manager),
various utilities(some you don't really need) like xload, xcalc, xclock and oclock
, video output drivers,
and input drivers including the mouse and keyboard that you need.
some otherjunk xmodmap, xinit scripts
really can't do without
the shared libs you need for it to run and includes so other programs can link