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Old 04-20-2004, 08:28 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
Exclamation System and Gaim Sounds but no sound in XMMS, mplayer or totem.

This one is kinda bizarre. I'm a bit of a linux noob so bare with me. I have an Audigy 2 that I was able to configure to get system sounds and all that working properly, but to my dismay I still can't get any sound from XMMS, Totem, mplayer, or any other major application. No Mp3 sound, no Wav sound, no Avi sound, nothing

I've tried both the audigy driver and the snd-emu10k1 driver for the card, but neither solved the problem.

I'm thinking that it can't really be a problem with the programs themselves, since the problem happens in so many different applications.

I don't recieve any errors.

Anybody have any ideas??
Old 04-20-2004, 10:22 PM   #2
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: White House, Washignton DC
Distribution: Red Hat 9
Posts: 270

Rep: Reputation: 30
OK, here is something that I have ALWAYS noticed with my system.
If you are using gAIM, it does not release the system resources (and hence the sound card resources) even after you close it. For me, it keeps running as a process and I cannot get any sound. Once I go into either KSystemGaurd or GNOME System Monitor (sorry I have not idea how to kill process from CLI) and kill the gAIM process, then everything works well,

Just my 2 cents...

Hope this helps....


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