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Old 12-06-2008, 12:40 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2008
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Syncing HP iPAQ to OpenSuSE 11.0 ???

This is going to sound a bit wishy-washy, but let me start of saying I'd RATHER sync the Pocket PC instead of simply backing up the data onto the 2GB mini-SD and then copying it to the desktop computer.

That said, here's a little background ...

I'm a long-time Microsoft person, but am building a home/family file/print server with OpenSuSE 11.0. This is my first Linux experience, and I'm getting familiar with it and more & more comfortable.

My wife & I both have XP Pro on our own computers, and we've both got HP iPAQ6945 Pocket PCs. These are GREAT devices, and we keep ALL our contacts & calendars on them, not to mention dozens of lists and just about anything we need to do when we're not at our desktop machines. They keep our lives straight and well organized. The PPCs have Windows Mobile 5 on them.

The Contacts & Calendar sync up to MS Outlook using MS ActiveSync. The sync process is problematic at best, often failing for months at a time. Thus, I've found that it's easier to simply copy the data to the 2 GB SD card we've installed in them, and then copy the cards to folders on our desktop machines.

Since neither of us uses Outlook for anything, except as a BACKUP for contacts & calendar, we're definitely not married to it. All of our input into these databases is done on the PPCs, so any sync is MOSTLY for backup purposes.

But, I'd like to have SOME kind of application where I can access the data & add or edit it. I'd RATHER be able to open a file that can use the PIM.VOL file from the PPC and edit the data.

Does anyone have any experience with Windows Mobile 5 syncing it to an OpenSuSE (preferrably 11.0, but earlier versions may work the same) desktop? How about to any OTHER Linux desktop?
Old 12-10-2008, 09:08 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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I don't know about compatability with your specific device, but I had a look at SynCE for use with my HTC Artemis a while back... never actually got round to trying it though. It should sync calendar and contacts with Evolution I believe.

The wiki is here:


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