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Old 08-25-2014, 03:09 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2014
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SW for playing music at Sporting Event

Hello, I am a professional voiceover talent and also a P.A. Announcer. This upcoming season I will be playing music for college basketball games etc... I prefer to use Linux, as thats what I use for everything. I am wondering what software people recommend for this? I have looked at MIXX, but this almost seems like way more than I need.

Basically I will be playing some full songs before the game and maybe during half-time, and then also some shorter clips during time-outs.

I may also be doing baseball next season.

Should I just use a simple music player?

I would love to hear ideas and suggestions.


PS: I currently use Mint, and will be running the music from a ASUS Netbook.
Old 08-26-2014, 12:09 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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What you use depends on what you need. Starting with the simplest solution, would any media player that can use a playlist do the job for you? If so then anything like vlc, (k/g)mplayer, amarok, ... would do the job. If you need anything more complicated, please explain what exactly you need to do that goes beyond these media players. I assume you can take care of editing the songs to produce the clips you need. I don't understand if there's a difference between music for a college basketball game and a baseball game. Do different sports have different requirements?
Old 08-29-2014, 01:54 AM   #3
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i don't know about voiceover, but crossfading and replaygain would be important features i guess.
enjoy finding the needle in the haystack! there must be 100s of linux music players...
Old 08-29-2014, 03:30 AM   #4
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I'd say mixxx would be just the thing.

Have a play and work out how you can use it best.
The cross fade and voiceover features as well as the 4 sample players for your clips would be ideal I would imagine.
Just ignore the stuff you don't need.


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