Just FYI -
I booted SuSE Linux 9.1 Pro today with no problem:
1) No "coldboot ... scanning pci..." hang at boot
2) I see my NIC fine (and successfully registered a dynamic address from our DHCP server); my NIC sees my LAN (and the Internet) without any problems.
3) Nothing whatsoever to indicate what might have been wrong in any of the logs.
Had it failed again, I would have tried the following three things:
1) vi /etc/hotplug/input.rc =>
/etc/hotplug/input.agent < /dev/null # ORIGINAL (LINE 103)
/sbin/hotplug input < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & # MODIFIED
2) Tried a static (instead of dynamic) IP address
3) Scrubbed SuSE 9.1 and reinstalled from scratch