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Old 11-25-2004, 09:49 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: The Imagination
Distribution: Suse 9.3 Professional
Posts: 176

Rep: Reputation: 30
Suse 9.2 at Runlevel 5

At Runlevel 5, a graphical interface loads and I can log in from here. I've used a number of Linux distro and well I gotta say that they might have a bunch of problems but one thing that I like about the others is that their graphical login looks cool. For Suse 9.2, the graphical login is this gray box with two places where you put the username then the password. I've really enjoyed Suse 9.2 and I'm trying to customize it so that it'll be totally my machine. Is there a way to change the login screen? Here's a link a similiar graphical login that I'm talking about:

Let me know if you guys have any ideas!
Old 11-25-2004, 09:58 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: San Diego
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 303

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read /etc/inittab. There may be a line at the bottom

# Runlevel 4 used to be for an X window only system, until we discovered
# that it throws init into a loop that keeps your load avg at least 1 all 
# the time. Thus, there is now one getty opened on tty6. Hopefully no one
# will notice. ;^)
# It might not be bad to have one text console anyway, in case something 
# happens to X.
it'll probably be runlevel 5 for your suse. But read where the script is and it'll probably have commands on what it starts for your window manager. For me, I just edit what's on that line to change my login manager.

There's probably a point and click GUI method someone may know. suse probably has a tool for that.
Old 11-25-2004, 10:16 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: The Imagination
Distribution: Suse 9.3 Professional
Posts: 176

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Well what I just discovered is that the graphical login screen is different depending on what WM (window manager) is made as default. Mine is KDE by default so I guess the appearance of the graphical login for KDE is just kinda nasty. I'm sure that those of you who use the KDE graphical login would know what I'm talking about. So I guess the question is now, can I go and change the KDE graphical login? It seems to be pretty static from what I can tell but I hope there's a way to change it. Thanks for any help
Old 11-25-2004, 10:20 PM   #4
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Suse uses the KDM login manager by default, which you can edit via the control centre -> system administration -> login manager. Otherwise just install some other login manager - or even grab the source code for something like and recompile it if you so desireth. ( could easily be made to look similar to your screenshot - but getting the input boxes to the top right might take a bit of fiddling )

Just read your new post If you install a new login manager, it should ask whether you want to use this new one rather than the old KDE one.



Last edited by mjrich; 11-25-2004 at 10:21 PM.


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