Suse 10
Thanks for your reply. However, I figured out what I was doing wrong. I will relay it to help anyone else who has the same trouble.
At the end of disk 1, there is a window whith a hoizonal bar on the right hand side as you look at the screen. It is blue. At the bottem of the screen is a message: Dick 2 is next. As the screen had no Next button, I assumed I had to put in disk 2. I did not realize that the blue in the bar was slowly reducung, it was still loading from disk 1. Once the blue bar is reduced to all white, a window pops up telling you to put in disk 2.
silly mistake, but there you are.
Suse 10 is now fully loaded, but so far I haven't used it. I'll report back to tell you how it oporates.
Thanks again'