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Old 04-16-2003, 04:18 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: New Haven, CT
Distribution: RedHat 8.0
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 15
Strange reboots and freezes

My Redhat 8.0 box has been freezing or just rebooting for now reason recently. Yesterday, I came back to my computer to find it at the log on screen when I left it running in X-Windows. Then just now, I heard the hard drive click and when I go to look, the screen saver is frozen and nothing responded. I've always had poor luck with XWindows for some reason. Perhaps it is the video card? I have a TNT2 in there but the default driver is the Trident Cyberblade or something. And this only happens in XWindows. Any ideas of how I can track it down and fix it?

Should move up to Redhat 9.0?
Old 04-16-2003, 04:28 PM   #2
Registered: Apr 2002
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The first thing would be to check your logfiles
cd /var/log
less XFree86.0.log
less messages
less syslog
less debug
In each of those <shift><g> to get to the end...

If there's *nothing* suspicious I'd start thinking
about looking for faulty hardware, namely RAM
... another possibility would be that your HDD
is acting up somehow (which makes the "only
in X" part seem a bit odd, though)

Check whether the IDE chipset is recognized
properly, if unsure, check with hdparm /dev/hda
what settings it's using, read man hdparm and
set "potentially dangerous settings" back to more
conservative values.

Old 04-21-2006, 07:36 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Mar 2006
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Another thing to remember to is the powersupply of the computer, and if you are getting any power glitches at your house. I run off battery backups to make sure I get constant efficent voltage to my pc's. One computer I have is very sensitive and will reboot on me if there is the slightest power glitch in my home.


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