Alright i am really pissed off now, I know this topic has been covered a billion times because I have read them all, but still nothing seems to work, alright this is my problem!: I just installed rh9, now if this was you tell me please every little step you would take to install a .rar file in linux. We shall call the file, redhat.rar, now you have the file already downloaded ,but you dont have a compressor/decompressor (like unrar). now the questions: where (and i do mean where give me the site please) would you go to get the program that you would use to install redhat.rar (the file name that i made up in the begining) and how you installed the .rar compressor/decompressor. Give every command line that you would use to install the compressor/decompressor or however you would go about it. then evey command line you would use to install redhat.rar.
thank you.
Last edited by TheGateKeeper; 10-14-2003 at 09:29 PM.