All I could find is mario, starwars, wolfstein3d.... Basically nerdy overplayed stuff.
Oddly I searched all over google but I guess this init tune in grub isnt a very big deal to people so I came here in hope of seeking more tunes or how I could convert notes to frequcies.
I also found a script to "test" the tunes in a terminal, but it doesnt work for me: (all I can do is keep trying and rebooting to hear my tunes)
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 tempo freq dur [freq dur freq dur...]" >&2
exit 1
tempo=$1; shift
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
while [ -n "$*" ]; do
freq=$1; shift
dur=$1; shift
dur=$(echo "$dur*(60/$tempo)"|bc -l)
sox -U -r 8000 -n -t raw - synth $dur sine $freq >>$tmpdir/grubtune.ul
play -q -c1 -r 8000 $tmpdir/grubtune.ul
rm -r $tmpdir