soundcard, soundrecorder, any goddman sound related thing
This sucks man!!!
I have been struggling for days trying to figure out how on earth to record audio files into linux. Well... first the stupid soundrecorder kept crashing on me. Someone suggested rezound which gave me some redundant error that I asked about here that no ond got back to me which is not even the issue anymore.
Somewhere in the process, I seem to have "unconfigured??????" my soundcard. How on earth does that happen anyway?? I tried to reconfigure it back, I don't have the sndconf command on my sbin directory. My ex installed the drivers for me, he told me that my soundcard is not supported by RH8, but I thought that after installing RH9, that would no longer be an issue. Apparently not because it is complaining that my soundcard is not supported and gives me the name of a wrong soundcard that it says it doesn't support. Windows tells me that I have VIA AC'97 Enhanced aufio controller (WDM). Is there any chance that this is just a volume control and socket issue? B/C these are the only things I really messed with.
So can someone please tell me how to fix this mess I made? I hate to ask my ex!