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Old 03-05-2006, 11:18 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
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Question sound issues in kanotix

i've set up a kanotix box and got it quite customized so far. There are still some issues though and sound is one of them. Actually sound works great only that i found it having problems with concurent processes. First i couldn't hear sounds in flash sites while the music was playing, then i noticed xmms wouldn't play if amarok plays and so on. I assumes that every process takes up the sound card and gives it back after closed (each one giving it up after a certain time after actually being closed from file>quit or x-button- i found firefox to hold it for almost 30 seconds or more after closed).i learned from net that i should set up different apps to use different sound engines so xmms uses xine and amarok uses gstreamer or so. But what if i have 3 or 4 sound making apps opened??? Anyway i managed somehow to be able to play xmms, amarok and kaffeine together in the same time just for the sake of knowledge because it would be unpractical otherwise in most cases. Flash still doesn't play in firefox/konqueror/opera (it played before if nothing was using the soundcard). Now there is another issue now even more annoying: skype reports a "Problem with sound device" when i try to make a call.

My question would be: is my install not right or it's smth that can be done for it? I just want to play flash in whatever browser(my choice is Opera but can't get plugins to play as they do in firefox)and in the same time to be able to listen to music and make skype phone calls and if kopete is set to play sounds on events i would like to hear them too.
I so hope this first post of mine isn't too long/(annoying)and please be gentlw with a newbie here :P
Old 03-05-2006, 11:22 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Question sound issues in kanotix

i've set up a kanotix box and got it quite customized so far. There are still some issues though and sound is one of them. Actually sound works great only that i found it having problems with concurent processes. First i couldn't hear sounds in flash sites while the music was playing, then i noticed xmms wouldn't play if amarok plays and so on. I assumes that every process takes up the sound card and gives it back after closed (each one giving it up after a certain time after actually being closed from file>quit or x-button- i found firefox to hold it for almost 30 seconds or more after closed).i learned from net that i should set up different apps to use different sound engines so xmms uses xine and amarok uses gstreamer or so. But what if i have 3 or 4 sound making apps opened??? Anyway i managed somehow to be able to play xmms, amarok and kaffeine together in the same time just for the sake of knowledge because it would be unpractical otherwise in most cases. Flash still doesn't play in firefox/konqueror/opera (it played before if nothing was using the soundcard). Now there is another issue now even more annoying: skype reports a "Problem with sound device" when i try to make a call.

My question would be: is my install not right or it's smth that can be done for it? I just want to play flash in whatever browser(my choice is Opera but can't get plugins to play as they do in firefox)and in the same time to be able to listen to music and make skype phone calls and if kopete is set to play sounds on events i would like to hear them too.
I so hope this first post of mine isn't too long/(annoying)and please be gentle with a newbie here :P

mention: i use alsa as driver;
-does skype use oss?
Old 03-05-2006, 02:15 PM   #3
Registered: Apr 2004
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kanotix forums probably already has problem addressed. They have English forums too. Good luck.
Old 03-05-2006, 03:03 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
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Not familiar with Kanotix, but are you sure that your soundcard driver supports more than one output at once? Your post seems to be saying you have got more than one sound going at once, but I'm not sure if I understood that right. My computer at work has some Intel onboard chip, and while it works fine in Windows I haven't been able to play more than one sound at once, or even in stereo(!) in Linux. Are you using OSS or ALSA?
Old 03-06-2006, 12:18 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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not really

i've asked this on their forums but seems that from all the questions mine is ignored :P, almost 30 views and no answer. That's why i turned to your forum for an answer. I stick with kanotix because it's best in hardware recognition and paractically a debian sid but has a few annoyances, i don't know whether the kerneel fault or kde's fault. I have upgraded to kde 3.5.1 but the sound issue i had it even after the fresh install of kanotix 2005-04 wich comes with kde 3.4.3. The problem is that i couldn't have concurent processes playing different sounds (music, movie, flash game, etc).Now i can listen to amarok, xmms, kaffeine in the same time but i guess it's because they use different sound engines, anyway flash sounds neither in konqueror/firefox/opera work and also skype reports this problem.
I,ve got Alsa running so where could be the problem?

Last edited by realthor; 03-06-2006 at 12:19 PM.
Old 03-07-2006, 06:22 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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yes it can it could before in mepis. I use alsa.
Old 03-08-2006, 06:12 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: UK
Distribution: (X)Ubuntu 10.04/10.10, Debian 5, CentOS 5
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Rep: Reputation: 32
Well, the only things I can suggest are to upgrade ALSA, or if you're feeling adventurous to try and compile a new kernel. That said, there may well be a better solution out there, I know very little about sound...


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